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Posts posted by KillJoy

  1. I do not agree w/ any laws along these lines: Seatbelts, smoking, who you can marry, abortion....


    All of these things should be of ZERO concern to the Gov't. It doesn't matter what your personal stance on it is, the Gov't should not be able to make laws about these type of issues...


    Now Minors..... that is a different story...



  2. Work can help too. What do you do? Do you have an "active" job (landscaping, lawnmowing) or an inactive job (desk stuff)? Take stairs when you can instead of the elevator :rolleyes: Stand instead of sit....especially when eating. Eat smaller meals more often. Switch to diet pop or water. Cut out unnecessary carbs (french fries :D ) Stuff like that.


    I know... I have no room to give out advice :D



  3. Can the rest of you please tell us why you are not going????


    I have two reasons I am not going.


    First, I am taking the following Friday off for a regional Marauder Meet. Due to work, I cannot take off two Fridays in a row.


    Second, I do not want to break my car (again) a week before a good sized Marauder Meet, and not have the time to get things repaired.


    If it were a week later..... I would be there.



  4. That seems to be how most people get pulled over in IN. You rarely ever see them. They normally come flying up from behind and catch people off guard that way.


    Yup....damn unmarked cop cars.... ALMOST all are Bar-Less even.


    But...most of the ones I saw were CV's. There was one COMPLETELY UNMARKED Cavalier though!!!!! Damn cheaters :D



  5. don't listen to these guys.... they can be mean to newbs.


    I am not hard on Noobs.... just those that have no clue.


    And if this is all in funnin' +1 to you for having a 1/2 way humorus streak!





  6. It should be treated like alcohol (21 and up / no driving while under the influence) and taxed like cigs.



    I honestly dont think it should be legal to smoke it where ever you want. I think you should have to go to a weed bar. This way I dont have to see another stoner sitting at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green.


    Wow.....don't you guys ever get elected into Office. Something GOOD may come of it :rolleyes:



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