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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. Happy B-Day Lani!!!! Buy me a beer??? KillJoy
  2. Too bad you picked 30-06 instead of 308..... or I would be SERIOUSLY interested KillJoy
  3. NP. To ship OUT OF STATE... you SHOULD use a FFL. You get a copy of the buyer's FFL, take it to your FFL, and ship it. It costs a weee bit more...but is safe if the firearm is in YOUR name.... KillJoy
  4. There any interest here for a group jump in 2008? Tandem or solo....doesn't matter. Just a feeler.... KillJoy
  5. Is this a Rifle, a shotgun, or a combo??????? KillJoy
  6. AOL. Set his account up as a child. Done. KillJoy PS - This can still be gotten around
  7. Speaking of which.... I NEED MORE!!!! KillJoy
  8. FWIW - I once had a Pioneer GMH-100. That thing ROCKED! WAAAAYYYY under rated :thumbup: KillJoy
  9. How much was the kit you got? KillJoy
  10. For $150, I am guessing it is the Horns ONLY. You then need to add in a compressor, pump, lines, fittings and switches. If it is everything, then I would ASSUME it is junk. Good pumps are more than $150 alone! Also, Tank size DOES matter. The bigger the tank, and faster the pump, the longer, and more frequently you can use them. If the tank is < 5 Gallons.... you will NOT get long horn blasts... PERIOD! KillJoy
  11. Funny, funny little man... Since you got your shit fixed, we'' play when I return from FL. KillJoy PS - My car weighs in just under 4600# Do THAT math.....
  12. The more folks below you, the more you make = pyramid. KillJoy
  13. I will take the Sega and stuff if the deal falls through. KillJoy
  14. I agree. IMO, he DOES seem comfortable in the passenger seat, NOT the driver's seat. He does work well there though. It seems that Greg definately steered that show, and was the driving force behind it. However, Ronnie's appearance has proven that he IS and WAS replaceable. :thumbup: KillJoy
  15. Ronnie has kicked ass this week. Hell, have her do the morning show for a few weeks. Might just work out! Fuck....bring back Suzi Wadd!!!! :thumbup: KillJoy
  16. You just explained how AMWAY works(ed). Call it whatever you want, it is a Pyramid. I was once asked to participate. It sounded like a joke from the get go. If you can make it work, good for you. But, don't say it is not what it is... KillJoy
  17. KillJoy

    Jones is a bitch

    Ok....I am officially sick of N00bz posts. The shit is old, and is taking up bandwith that BOOBIES could be viewed over. It's up to YOU N00bz. Please....just STOP the shit. Who cares if someone else started the shit talking. You are a N00bz. It is expected. Take it like a man and go on with life. If you can't, live you life w/o CR. < /thread > KillJoy
  18. The day she said Fuck over the air, they were bitching about ^^^THIS^^^. KillJoy
  19. Barley's Smokehouse. < /thread > KillJoy
  20. Un-fucking-believable. For the sake of the kid, I hope she was taken away from that POS parent. http://www.leenks.com/link79412.htm KillJoy
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