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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. KillJoy

    Dumb Bitch

    She paid $800 to be first in line, then paid another $500 - $600 for the phone. What stupidity. At least the 1 per customer limit was good on Apple and AT&T's part. KillJoy
  2. I would be interested. I am assuming a Saturday..right? Where at? KillJoy
  3. What do you need headlights for? That thing is no less Street Legal that what SOME folks on here take out... KillJoy
  4. DAYUM!!!! There's some nice muscle right there! Too bad I don't have extra cash for investing... Yeah....that would be bad! :tumbup: KillJoy
  5. http://mobile.jlaudio.com/products_subs.php?series_id=22 It is the 4 Ohm version... KillJoy
  6. I like 'em :thumbup: KillJoy
  7. Sealed Box. None of those look EXACTLY right. It is just a single sealed Wedge, from what I can tell. KillJoy
  8. YOU talk shit on THIS forum?!?!?! What a fucking joke. KillJoy
  9. Dude...that just fucking sucks! I hate having to park my car near ANYONE, and this is just the reason. Some GD Jackoff who is careless, and my car gets effed up. Yup....a "private" area for CR Members is HIGH on my list!! :thumbup: KillJoy
  10. There's got to be SOMETHING that can be done, that would actually have an effect of some kind..... If we only had a Cop Car... KillJoy
  11. That fuckin sucks!!! Repairable easily? KillJoy
  12. For Sale: JL Audio 8w0 in a JL Audio PowerWedge Enclosure. This was used in my Wife's Beetle. Car got sold, and this is no longer needed. $35 - Sold Pending Funds KillJoy
  13. How much would it be to get an off duty Columbus Officer to be there....on CR's dime? KillJoy
  14. Amps back for sale. KillJoy
  15. So...they kicked out everyone after this? Even folks that had just bought food / drinks inside? That is effed up if that is the case.... KillJoy
  16. I never once said that wrenching yourself makes it better. I was just curious that if the guys who could can plunk down coin for a car worked on it themselves. Simple actually.... KillJoy
  17. Dig....why not. Roll...even Better KillJoy PS - I take it you made it home w/o incident Friday...
  18. That paint job would be cool..... 20% tints..... So...when you picking it up? KillJoy
  19. HAHA!!! Nice! But...Red???? Come on...get a Blue KillJoy
  20. Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment. Get your car washed yet? KillJoy
  21. KillJoy

    Wanted: Z06

  22. Eff that noise! Get a Vette! KillJoy
  23. HAHA!!! Don't blame my you bought a queer ass phone!!! At least you bought a bitchen car And seeing as I would loose badly from a roll OR a dig...I'll just buy you a beer KillJoy
  24. Well, for the average person on here, a car...that was new...at near $50K.... it is And thanks for your response. Anyone else? KillJoy
  25. First off, if you have to ask if your Honda qualifies....no. It does not...by ANY means. So, you guys with High End cars: Do you work on your own car, or do you pay to have someone else do it? The reason I ask is, I get a lot of enjoyment from wrenching on my car, and the feeling of "I did it myself". So....??? KillJoy
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