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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. 1 Beer this doesn't happen.... KillJoy
  2. And you are bitchin that my MM was getting Trans work!?!?!? Wht did you break / having done??? KillJoy
  3. Roll - Fine. What speed. Lengths...how many? Faygo sucked, and you know it. The top was held on by snaps. This weekend..... KillJoy PS - V6 Dak = Money Pit...
  4. We already did that. DAK 4 THE MF WIN!!! KillJoy
  5. KillJoy's Marauder vs Jones' Audi A6. You up for it? KillJoy
  6. If Andy is not interested, I am. KillJoy
  7. Craig and Mitch showed up early this afternoon to help with my Trans install. Except for needing 2 new Exhaust Flange Gaskets, and shearing a bolt head off while attempting to install the Drive Shaft Loop, things went well! I am running the car (for tonight ) with the Cat-Pipes disconnected from the H-Pipe. This is NOT for me...too damn loud!!! With the built Trans, and the new TC, the tires seem to spin at will from just about ANY speed Time for some new rubber!!! KillJoy
  8. I can't make this one. Starting the Trans reinstall. :thumbup: KillJoy
  9. HAHA!!!! I got your broke dick right here!! You don't haaaaaave to race, since you KNOW your car is junk..... but....
  10. KillJoy

    QS&L progress

    Why did you leave out your direct number for us? KillJoy
  11. There is a chance that DNA could be extracted if an Amnio is performed. Amnio's can be done at 18 weeks (at least). And... I doubt ANY doctor would perform an Amnio just for Paretnity testing. There is an increased chance of fetal death. KillJoy
  12. Let me get my Trans installed, and I will play in my Pa Paw car. You can pick the race... Why race for money.... beer tastes better! :thumbup: KillJoy PS - I am in Galloway
  13. Wowww...... Harsh issue. But still....factual KillJoy
  14. An 80 roll to....what? The car's bumper in front of you? The next Stop light? 100MPH? 150??? Come on..... KillJoy
  15. Man...it looks like the Raffle idea is turing into EVERYTHING ELSE CR does..... Lots of talk up front, but no one shows... Sorry for wasting your time with this Anthony....... KillJoy
  16. Not sure how much other's are, but HERE is the one I got. It is at the bottom of the page, and is $160. KillJoy
  17. I have a tricked out 10/22. Kidd Trigger Green Mountain 16" Fluted Barrel Boyd's Blaster Thumbhole Stock (Midnight) Bushnell ScopeChief 6-20 Scope Holds under an 1" @ 100 yards on calm days. $650 KillJoy
  18. If you can afford a Viper, you can afford a $100 ticket every now and again. KillJoy
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