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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. I would do a cruise to Chicago. A bud is the owner of a Punk Club out there. I MAY be able to set something up over there, if there is any interest. KillJoy
  2. Drinking is it's own for each person. Some drink to forget. Some drink to get drunk. Some drink for fun. Where do you fit? KillJoy
  3. Stock Mercury Marauder Wheels :thumbup: http://www.mercurymarauder.net/showcase/files/2/3/23DSC01683.jpg KillJoy
  4. Nah. Just keeping up w/ the Jones.... KillJoy
  5. Nice Lincoln. Big....black....and bitchin. What a concept :thumbup: KillJoy
  6. Just so you know...I cannot get them...but...you got pics???? KillJoy
  7. What Rings? What Scope? KillJoy
  8. KillJoy

    Lathe, Mill Help

    Enco (http://www.enco.com) has deals on machines on a regular basis. For the price, the Imports are not bad machines. There are Machine Tool auctions, where you can pick up a full size Bridgeport, but the weight and size makes transportation and setup a bitch. Also....I know some schools have been killing their Machine Shop classes. A bud picked up a 30" Southbend for about $750 w/ an ass load of tooling. So....keep your eyes open in the Classifieds :thumbup: KillJoy
  9. So.....EVERYONE chips in for a Dyno. Where does it live? Who operates it? Who has access to it? When? Group things, like this, NEVER work in the long run. +1 On Dyno Tune. Brian, Howard, and Jeff (Mechanic) have always been good to me. They are GOOD GUYS with a Business Ethic worth telling your friends about :thumbup: KillJoy
  10. KillJoy

    Lathe, Mill Help

    I have a Homier Mini Mill and Mini Lathe (same thing as the Harbor Freight's....just different). They have their limitations, but AL is WELL within them. The machines need a little bit of love and refinement to get them running well, but for the price...they are AWESOME! BTW - I would stay away from a Combo unit. It does neither Milling, or Lathe Cutting well KillJoy PS - Spend the most you can, and get the largest one you have space for. If you think "I'll never need one that big"....think again.
  11. Ahhh....Thank You. I MAY be interested. I am checking on a few things. KillJoy
  12. Price Update - Purchase BEFORE Sat, Feb 24, 2007 - $500 All new parts included. KillJoy
  13. +1 on a bigger tank. KillJoy
  14. Uhhhh....so the price has gone up from $240 to $290??? KillJoy
  15. FWIW, I have located Kevin, formerly of Gander Mountain on Hilliard-Rome. He is now the Gunsmith at Black Wing Shooting Center. :thumbup: KillJoy
  16. Thaks for the offer. But, if I do not get CLOSE to what I have in it, including the parts, I am going to just repair the car once it warms up a bit. KillJoy
  17. WE just consider it chlorine for the gene pool. :thumbup: KillJoy
  18. I had NO problems in the snow with the FWD Grand Am until the snow got to be 6"+. Then...it just got stuck. It is not the car... it it the DRIVER! KillJoy PS - Getting married = YOU owing for taxes
  19. Just signing my posts. KillJoy
  20. I was able to roll ALMOST $10K into a 99 Dakota when it was new. Yes, I had hella payments, but, after 2 years, what I owed was equal to what it was worth. I also went upside down into my Marauder. Best decision I EVER made. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Going into a car negative is not a bad thing, IF you are okay holding onto the car. :thumbup: KillJoy
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