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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. We have used All Knight out of Hilliard. Their pricing is competitive and their service has always been above and beyond. :thumbup: KillJoy
  2. He's a dumb kid. Let him BE a dumb kid. Offer a better suggestion and let him learn from his dumb youth. :thumbup: KillJoy
  3. I never got into those. However, at one point, I owned ever single Valiant Title. Luckily, I sold them all just before their Value tanked! I still remember many of Harbinger, XO, Rai and Eternal Warrior. KillJoy
  4. KillJoy


    We took Smalls at 6 and she remembers EVERYTHING! :thumbup: KillJoy
  5. Thank you. :thumbup: KillJoy
  6. If he likes Minecraft, how about good old fashioned Legos? KillJoy
  7. If you are married, file Taxes jointly, and make less then $173,000 combined, can both you and your spouse contribute $5000 (for 2012, as example)? Or is it $5000 split between the 2 of you? KillJoy
  8. DAMN! You have some damn BIG balls!!!!! :thumbup: KillJoy
  9. KillJoy


    I WANT ONE!!!! KillJoy
  10. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qzugT0YTgaw/T8zijBDVzpI/AAAAAAAA5hU/WTgE8IYZZ9Y/s640/36.jpg KillJoy
  11. I had a '97. Great little bike! The thing I hated the most, is all the compliments I got until the guy realized it was not a Harley Mine: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=342&pictureid=2415 KillJoy
  12. VERY COOL! Wanna sell it? KillJoy
  13. Does school have Track? Possibly another active sport? KillJoy
  14. I would suggest asking this to his Doctor. :thumbup: KillJoy
  15. Interesting. I HAVE seen worse... KillJoy
  16. Pro Tip: Don't let them start to grow :gabe: KillJoy
  17. Sorry if a repost, but funny as hell!!!! NWS KillJoy
  18. Pull all existing weeds. Put down PREEN. Water. Put down a covering of Flower Bed Fabric. Cut slits in fabric to plant flowers. Water. Put down mulch. :thumbup: KillJoy
  19. I towed a 4500lb Marauder on a UHaul full trailer to Chicago using my Dad's '02 F-150. :thumbup: KillJoy
  20. HERE is the Review on GunBlast.com :thumbup: KillJoy
  21. If I could do it all over again, and had $5k to do it, here is what I would do.... Take the Misses, Best Man and Maid of Honor to the Court House and have a cheap fast wedding. I would spend the rest of that $$$ on as big of a party as I could! Food, Beer, Booze, friends and family!!! :thumbup: KillJoy
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