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Everything posted by curby

  1. i've had so many damn holsters for so many damn guns. Loved my Blackhawk serpa for my 92. Also had an akers bodyguard for it. loved that also. Akers with Taurus 92 Now i have Don Humes for my .38 spl and M&P9.
  2. i was actually thinking of making this exact thread. been playin around with the thought of rooting my X
  3. He could've been right. moon clips.
  4. NICE!. I have to see about one for the Warrior... that's badass!
  5. +1 Looking for trades? I really miss my revolver that my wife stole. But it was an ultralite. You don't like carrying this or what? Maybe you need a better holster? Uncle Mikes IMO are the cheapest of the cheap. Go with a better made name brand. Don Hume, Galco, Crossbreed. The holster makes a big difference when carrying.
  6. wish there was nicer weather so we could go for a ride and swap. I'd like to ride one of those to see if i'd like it.
  7. hmmmm... Very nice looking bike.
  8. curby

    COD Black Ops

    and it seems a bit harder the WAW Zombies.
  9. curby

    COD Black Ops

    thats baller Ron... our asses can't get past 7
  10. curby

    COD Black Ops

    i'm usually on around 8 till 10 PM I have 2 squads i play with. Both are pretty nasty. I'll send you and invite if i see you one.
  11. curby

    COD Black Ops

    i had my best k/d ratio last night. went 21-0 The campers are getting alittle ridiculous. run around a corner and boom, your dead. And the spawn killing is way outta control. You'll have that with small maps and this game a few of those. Nuketown to name one.
  12. OH i forgot another fav Left Handed Brewery's Milk Stout. AND THE BEST CHOCOLATE STOUT..... Youngs Luxury Double Chocolate Stout
  13. Guinness (old reliable) Yuengling Black and tan (when i can get it) Tommyknockers Cocoa Porter (mmmmm) Mix this with Belle's Cherry Stout and you have one hellva Cherry Chocolate beer. BUT very expensive. Belles is $16 a 6 and Cocoa Porter is $11 a 6 Bison Brewery Chocolate Stout (can't get it around here but is damn good.) Dixie Brewery's Blackened Voodoo (all time fav) Summer, i tend to drink Leinenkugel Summer Shandy
  14. curby

    new phone

    my 2 yr upgrade on the x is $150. $99 if i get a certified pre-owned.
  15. why not run windows as secondary OS? you can dual boot windows and OSX
  16. curby

    new phone

    i've been holding on getting a new phone just hoping verizon would pick up the iphone but screw that, i can't wait any longer. the phone i have just plan sucks sheep balls. i heard iphone to come in january, but then i heard yesterday maybe june... fuck it. i have another upgrade in September so fuck it.
  17. curby

    new phone

    lookin into a droid X. The wife just got a crackberry.
  18. best thing you can do. I've had macs since they were still Apples. lol since 1996 Sounds like your buying new. but if you go for an older G5 or something just make sure it's a Intel. All mine are PowerPC's and i cannot update past 10.5.8...
  19. and i was actually lookin at 954's on craigslist.... cuz i loved mine so much. too bad i gotta get rid of the Warrior first. and that's like selling snow to a snowman right now.
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