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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. Ahem, check the name of the OP again. Netbooks, a good way to strain your eyes. lol
  2. Nobody intelligent pays Apple's asking price. My $2400 MacBookPro came out to $1800. Look at the links you provided. I changed the Apple one.
  3. That sucks, Adobe has never crashed on mine. Running CS3 on a 2007 MacBook Pro.
  4. I've heard it may be. At the same time though, I'm afraid Verizon is going to lock the phone down hardcore. No GPS service (just like the Blackberries) so you have to buy VZ Navigator for $10/month, have to use Verizon's Get It Now for media services, etc.
  5. I'd say go buy a Zune, but hey, they don't have any more buttons.
  6. Well....yeah. It's nice when you're Mac doesn't crash while running a graphics intensive process and you get ahead of it. Adobe Photo Suite is a big program
  7. So how much of a stereotypical asshat are you? While we're at it, how many Apple products do you have? I've got: 15.5" Macbook Pro w/ 2.2GHz, 120 GB HD, 2GB RAM, DVDR, etc. Upgraded from Tiger to Leopard w/Snow Leopard iPhone 3Gs 16GB 1st Gen iPod Nano 2GB 2nd Gen iPod Nano 4GB Airport Extreme (Home) Airport Express (Apartment)
  8. This is incorrect. The Macbook Air can fuck off. It's the worst design I've ever seen. At least compare them equally. A standard MacBook like the one in my link. I'll change this comparo for you.
  9. Re-engaging Mac vs. PC argument in 5...4...3...2...
  10. Just an FYI, iTunes is free. Buy this. It will do everything you want it to. Has plenty of storage space, and no worries of malware or viruses. http://macmall.com/p/Apple-MacBook/product~dpno~7684019~pdp.fbdchad Or, if you want to save some money, sacrifice a little storage space, and you're ok with white, then there's this. http://macmall.com/p/Apple-MacBook/product~dpno~7829324~pdp.ffcaahb
  11. I'm leaning towards Coshocton. One of the people going to the lake, well let's just say I don't see eye to eye with him.
  12. Hmmm, choices choices. A weekend at a lake house or riding in Coshcton.
  13. I knew you'd come over to the dark side as soon as you got a taste. Welcome to the world of European bikes. We're baller.
  14. I'll admit it, I jumped a lil.
  15. Been there, done that, definitely learned my lesson. Her front bumper stopped touching my leg. I don't know how some of you guys ride without mirrors. I'm constantly checking behind me for idiots.
  16. You have no clue how many times I've just wanted to send a picture and can't. I'm not excited because it's some technological advancement. I'm excited because this was the last missing link to this phone that I wanted. Therefore, after this is active, my phone will be the epitome of perfect to me.
  17. Dude, we'll almost be done by 3. Ride with us then ride into work.
  18. Ooo, temps. Yeah, that'll put a damper on things.
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