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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Here's one I took awhile back and just got around to some PP on it. Here's another I found; the inside of a silo. And because I was a dumbass and moved pictures around in my account, they all got removed in the thread so here:
  2. Yeah I got a few restarts and my ringer would change. Hope this one is better
  3. Sweetness. This is a guilt trip. It should be followed by "and everyone continues to keep their freedom of speech."
  4. My buddy had the one with the backpack reservoir. We all thought it was the shit!
  5. Yeah, I agree, kinda, I think....
  6. so many jokes, not enough typing space...
  7. I loved my legos. I gave them to my daughter and sometimes still get down on the floor and play with them, with her of course. This is what Tom played with as a kid. I keeeeed.
  8. The first one I think was a month, maybe 2? the replacements all had that issue out of the box but they were refurbed units.
  9. I called them about my latest DX and how the button lights still didn't work and it had pixels go out on it. They ended up sending me another DX and when I got it it wouldn't read any micro SD card (I tried 3 different ones). After complaining they said they would send me another DX, I'm really not happy at this point. I called back and talked to a manager, he said they sometimes have an issue reading the cards and would send me a new card. Well yesterday I got the replacement DX, or so I thought. Turns out they sent me a brand new Droid X2. I even pulled the card from it to test the other phone and sure enough it won't read either. I talked to the guy that sent the SD card and updated him on everything. He said to refuse the SD card and send back the phones and charger, I can keep the extra battery as it doesn't hold a charge all that well anymore. I am very happy with the X2 and so far has NO problems. UI is a tad better on this one and is a bit faster. I'm happy now.
  10. My grandparents had a couple of those sets. Was a blast to play with with my cousins.
  11. Like Kawi said, it's about holster and placement. I'm 6'1" 155lbs and CC a full size M&P .40 with just a standard leather IWB holster and a heavy belt. Sometimes I'll fold the bottom of my shirt up under the holster clip and that helps to keep the shirt down and over it. You're one of the few. I used to have an M&P .45c and currently have a .40, never the slightest issue with either. I trust my life to my .40 everyday.
  12. I just added the rocks to the tank tonight. Think it looks pretty good. I also now have at least 4 baby Platies, 2 large shrimp and a couple baby shrimp. I also added the Cory from my other tank, I think the Angel Fish were picking on him. He seems happier with the sand bottom anyways. They're all doing pretty well.
  13. Everyone take note, even the resident firearms dealer says M&P is better than Glock. Rep to you sir.
  14. Redbarron has enough that the porn industry really wouldn't be affected.
  15. Get a compass. I have an older Garmin, forget what model cuz it's in a box somewhere, but I used it back packing and in the army. It took a hell of a lot of abuse and now if it hits a bump it'll turn off. For as much as it got used, it held up well. I would say other Garmins are well made too?
  16. You're gonna be one of the few on here that says a 1911 is good for carry.
  17. S&W M&P /thread But really, everyone has their opinion, it's all personal preference.
  18. Reminds me of this, albeit a little off topic: And a more current version:
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE
  20. I thought it was a joke the first time I saw it too. Wow...
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