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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. I didn't even mean the LEO part, just the "last option" part. The OP wants to be legal. My only point it that a knife like that might cause an issue since it would be more difficult to say it's for utility purposes. Everyone I know that owns that knife carries it for defensive reasons. I'd say it probably wouldn't be an issue unless it was somewhere where they were very anti self defense, read Cleveland and surrounding areas.
  2. I got to hold one of these. They are very nice knives. But this type of knife is for defensive purposes, you'd be hard pressed to prove it's for utility purposes. Especially when the site says: Be careful.
  3. Congrats and nice set up.
  4. I am 1/4 Pollock and I don't take any offense. People are too sensitive anymore...
  5. No, probably no more than 15,000. Cheap plastic parts break.
  6. I refuse to watch these videos. They have all been annoying and stupid.
  7. Say whatever you want. I saw it happen. Cheap plastic Buffer springs rods snapping, trigger springs and I think a trigger mechanism.
  8. Thought it may be, thanks. Had to be in the UK, couldn't get away with that in the US.
  9. Not hardly. We had 4 out of 16 Glock 17s break at the range. Quality huh. I trust my M&P more than a Glock. I clean my barrel every time it's fired. Usually I just use a rag and lube and a wire brush isn't needed. I can clean my barrels in just a minute instead f waiting for it to build up and take longer, not to mention the chance of corrosion from letting the crap sit on it.
  10. I'm not sure if this car was one of them, but there is some body shop that does cars this way to promote their auto body repair.
  11. I clean my M&P, which is my duty weapon, after every time it's fired and every couple of weeks even if it isn't fired. I have never had a malfunction at ranges but I'm not willing to take the chance of not cleaning it; could end up being a bad day for me.
  12. When I had my 1500HD quad cab, 6.0, fully loaded with a fully loaded 6x12 trailer, I got 7-11mpg from CA to OH. It sucked, literally.
  13. http://www.policeone.com/traffic-patrol/articles/4940899-Ohio-cop-in-confrontation-with-CCW-citizen-is-fired/ EDIT: Damn, it was already posted in another thread.
  14. http://www.wsmv.com/story/16505314/ind-theft-suspect-threatens-to-eat-police-dogs
  15. http://www.lancastereaglegazette.com/article/20120112/NEWS01/201120304?odyssey=mod%7Cmostcom
  16. ~15 minutes. I use wd40 to clean the barrel. Lube slide and such with a spray on dry lube but can't rem the name right now. Wet lube attracts dirt and dust.
  17. My wife picked up the wrong size belt keepers at Vances. Went in the next day, found the correct size and they swapped them out without even looking at my receipt, no issues.
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