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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. that mike guy is such a piece of shit! why did nobody call him out on his lies? and how dare him talk shit about other people ......he landed 1/5 shots, both trips...he was 2/10...he was the worst shooter on the team for that challenge, then he started bitching that when they asked people to raise their hand if they did bad, nobody did it, and he was the worst one on the team!

    then he says he doesnt think he did bad and that he did as good as everybody else and he lied saying he hit "5 or 6" then it was just a solid 5 the next time he mentioned it

    what a dickbag


  2. Tbut, thanks. I'll have to check it out.



    Haven't had an issues with my X. Don't know what to tell ya.

    Have an unused BB Storm if you want it.

    Thanks but not wanting a BB

    So why does it matter if those lights don't work?

    Cuz they are supposed to work and when I use it at night it can be a pain in the butt. For something to not work pretty much out of the box is poor quality. Verizon/Motorola knows about the issue but instead of saying "yeah we know but there is nothing we can do about it right now" or "hey how about we hook you up with ....." instead of just sending me phones I have to set up each time and going around in circles.

    are you getting oil/sweat/blood into the buttons? cause i frequently get lube, blood, and unknown fluids all over the buttons occasionally and they act up and then after it dries, and it's had a cigarette, it starts acting normally again.

    No, it stays dry and I'm pretty careful with it.

  3. i loved my droid x - but switching to the commando was the best thing i did phone-wise....i fucking love this phone....runs all the same stuff as the X (the camera isnt as sweet, but its not bad)....and its rugged...drop proof, scratch proof, dust, shock, water proof etc....hell, i kept it in my swim shorts all day at zoombezi bay....it survived all the slides, took some sweet underwater pics, and even stayed fully submerged for over a half hour at a time without a problem

    Funny you mention it, it's one that I am considering if I can get it. I had the Boulder and loved it. I didn't worry if it got wet on the bike or if I dropped it. Not worried about the camera, least of my worries. How does the screen compare to the X? I'm so used to the large screen and easily navigating it. I hate my wife's Ally because the screen is so small. But everything you could do on the X you can do on the Boulder? Can you add your accounts into it so they sync with your contacts? Hows the battery life?

    Damn, I might just need to meet up with you to fondle it for a minute. ;)

  4. Mine is having the same problem. I commited it to memory as a problem till now though. I was just testing your video on my phone and the lights worked maybe 1 out of 10 times at best. They seem to flash for a split second then just stop.

    Yep, when they don't light up they will flicker a little bit. I will say so far Verizon tech support has been really great.

  5. ...the stupid buttons on the bottom have stopped lighting up in the dark, actually it's an intermittent problem. I have gotten three refurbished replacements, all end up having the same issue. I sent back the second refurb X on Friday. Called them Saturday to complain the one they just sent was doing the same thing. I told him it's BS because the other one is literally in the mail as we speak. He over-nighted me another (shipped Monday, got it yesterday.) He said he'd call me back to follow up and if I was having issues then they would upgrade me into a better phone. So first off, any ideas on what I should upgrade to if possible? And no iphones...

    Here is a video of my issue to see if you're having it also.


  6. I'm sure you did great raising her and taught her well. Don't worry too much, she'll be fine. The good thing is you can relate to her and what she is dealing with. Your bond will be that much stronger when she redeploys back stateside.

    She'll be part of that special group I am honored to call family. Wish her good luck and to keep her head on a swivel. Come home safe and soon.

  7. Not saying they can't or won't survive together, just wouldn't be ideal for them. Ideal being the middle of the temp range.

    My biggest concern would be a 10 gallon tank with angel(s) and goldfish (I don't know how many you have). That'd be overstocked.

  8. As a rule of thumb, for every inch of fish, you should have 1 gallon of water. These angels will be about 3" long in about a year (about the size of the palm of your hand), so they need at least 3 gallons each, more if you don't want to have to change the water a lot. Goldfish typically need 2 gallons of water per inch because they make more ammonia. The angels will get along with them just fine though!

    Actually the rule of one gallon per inch isn't really a good idea. There are too many fish, like goldfish, that require more water than the rule would provide.

  9. Do they get along with goldfish and tetras? If they do, I may be interested. Of course I have been trying to find a 3-5 gallon tank lately for some other stuff. I have a little one gallon, but the filter I got is too powerful. Poor fish were getting sucked in and then blown back away by the air pump all at once lol. They were exhausted!

    Goldfish are cold water fish. Angelfish are tropical. You could keep them in the same tank but the temps probably won't be ideal for both species. Also, goldfish are very dirty fish, as is their food. They really require 5-10 gallons per goldie.

  10. Ugh, I wish I had time and space to set up the other tank. I'd get some more from you.

    From those that don't know, I got three Angels from Mj about 2 months ago. They are getting big and doing great! Here is a recent pic of one of them:


  11. Probably 10-20% of replies to me are scammers. I will add that I used to get emails that would be laid out like this:

    Subject: Re: <insert your exact CL title here>

    I am interested in your post on Craigslist:

    <insert your CL post URL here>

    I used to think these were scam/spam until I downloaded the CL app on my phone. If you reply to a posting using the program's reply function, it will draft an message in your email like that.

    I also only post in the Columbus section. I don't feel like dealing with people any further away and usually have no problems selling in the Columbus section alone.

  12. For those of you that have dogs and believe they not passable, it's too easy to beat a dog. I have befriended some really mean and protective dogs out there and their owners are dumbfounded as to how I did it. No, you don't need a juicy steak, it's all in how you react and treat them. Yes a dog is a good addition to a security system or if you cannot afford a system, but a dog is not fail proof.

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