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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. As you can see, I am a noobie. When I bought my bike, he threw in his helmet. I want to buy a new one and am thinking about a modular, maybe with the flip down visor inside. I have heard and read millions of thing on the pros and cons of helmets; full face can pivot back on impact and break your neck, modulars offer no frontal protection because they can open in a crash. Anyone have any insight? Oh and btw, i cant afford a $750 helmet lol. Thanks in advance.:D

  2. Try leatherup.com. They have some good deals. I bought my (textile jacket w/ armor) on there. They have a good return policy. And if you decide to get on off there, I have a 10% off discount code, or you can google for it.

  3. Just want to say hellow to everyone and I am looking forward to the fun times to come. Im new to riding, have a 07 Ninja250. It is getting some work done to it right now, dent in tank pulled and repainted from the last guy who dropped it. When I get it finished I'll post the new pics. Should look pretty good. Well Thanks again to all!!!

    See pics further down.

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