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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. If he was truly a threat, why would he have been announcing the fact he had a firearm (By holstering it in plain sight)?
  2. I realize their aren't many out here where I live, but I'd rather have someone mention a carrier I didn't think of and they do have service for me than not even know about them. Some of these I have never heard of. I think WOW does carry here but not 100%.
  3. I see what you're saying and agree. Sorry. Agreed. I have them without the OR logos, but was just trying something new. I adjusted the coloring slightly and cropped them in PS. You're right about the sky. I am fining it difficult to not have my skies blown out. I wish I would have shot these in RAW though, I would have had more to work with it. Absolutely correct. For some reason I couldn't tell what was bothering me about this shot until you said this. Yeah I know. I pulled the logo from this thread: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=70889&highlight=logo You're talking about getting rid of the white outline on it correct? What do you mean with the "1 px stroke"? I'm new to the DSLR and PS world. Picky Picky. Thanks for all the input from everyone. I wholeheartedly agree with all the comments.
  4. Messing around with photoshop trying to learn some stuff with it. Which is better and why? 1) 2)
  5. You sure flip flop a lot.
  6. This too. Plus it isn't watered down either.
  7. Wow, that's messed up they'd do that.
  8. I just checked them and don't get their service here. Yeah, I am really fed up with them. That's probably the only reason they are still in business because they offer service where others don't. All I mainly do is surf the web, up/download pictures and occasionally larger files. No gaming or anything like that so a basic package or a step up will do just fine for me.
  9. I don't go to bars anyways. I did enough drinking in the army and now I am married with a kid. If do I drink, it's like one beer and I'm at home. lol
  10. Oh, but IP, that's was only for farmers who had muzzle loaders. They didn't know about today's high tech, high capacity firearms.
  11. Internet provider. Thanks for the replies so far.
  12. This is why they need to allow the law abiding citizen to carry wherever. We are discussing which is worse: breaking the law by carrying or getting into a situation where you need a gun to defend your life but have been legislated out of being able to. Sad.
  13. Does jporter29 know about you two?
  14. I have Century Link right now and I am tired of it going out all the time. I've had it with them. Who do you have, how much do you pay and what do you like/dislike about it? Thanks all! Edit: AT&T and Verizon don't have service where I live.
  15. I just always ran rubber hose, usually a foot or two. Never had any issues. I can't remember what size fuel cell we used but I don't think they'd care 3 gallon vs 5 gallon.
  16. Next time we shoot, come over and try it out. It will fire every time. I guess this was shortly after most police used revolvers and they made the sigma with a long, heavy pull since that's what the officers were used to. I also think they had problem with officers having negligent discharges becuase they were used to the lighter pull it originally had but that could be a different firearm I am thinking of.
  17. That's just how it's made to feel I guess.
  18. At least it doesn't pop up (NO pun intended) on the roulette wheel as often as it used to......
  19. glad you're ok Mj. Did you at least see the double rainbow?
  20. I don't want to be seeing the pillow you gave to jagr so he could feel close to you.
  21. She talked about it but then we went to the Westland gunshowand she really like the S&W 637 revolver so she bought it instead.
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