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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Send me a pm. Im on my phone so ill get it when I get on my comp. So you're good then right?
  2. Or so you think.... haha rep if I could.
  3. It'd be funny if Columbus Police were searching for a speeding bike on 270 matching the OP's bike. We do have CPD officers on here....
  4. We did send monkeys into space....
  5. Someone draft up a good email and we'll all send it back to them. lol
  6. hahahaha Must be legit then?
  7. Does that mean you're not interested? I could see you pimpin' that around. Maybe you'd find 0.73$ with it?
  8. haha nice Holly. You're famous now!
  9. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?p=661872#post661872
  10. There is 5.11$ in this thread people have found on their bikes...
  11. wtf dood. why would that every cross your mind? You have issues.
  12. I thought that was PrincessPratt a few posts up. lol
  13. I heard this on the radio tonight. "Watch it live or DVR it!"
  14. How can a thread have so much win yet so much fail...?
  15. Bill Clinton showed Bin Laden we were paper tigers.
  16. Guess I'm a little late. My dad's a dealer....
  17. I keep police issue zip cuffs by my front door in case I ever have to hold someone until the police show up. Although that's for if someone breaks in, not theft while outside...
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