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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Anyone else sign up for this? Or any CHL class for that matter?
  2. I'm gonna move to Venezuela where it's only about 9 cents a gallon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline_and_diesel_usage_and_pricing
  3. Mom and dad had a couple they weren't gonna use. It was 55 cents.
  4. I hope this links correctly: search>posts made by JRMiii including the word "racist". http://www.ohioriders.net/search.php?searchid=1111498 26 times.
  5. I filled up this morning for $3.34/gallon thanks to the $0.55 off at Krogers. I'm also going to unhook two of my plug wires in my car so I'll have a four cylinder. That will help with my fuel economy.
  6. Technically a repost but since it didn't have it's own thread guess you're off the hook. lol http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=653039&postcount=9
  7. FM 21-76 is a good one to have. Not zombie related but informative.
  8. Not me, I wouldn't stand a chance. I was kind of hoping the guy lost so the other guy would punch him in his junk. I was rolling when he said that.
  9. I'm just saying he finally released it. Now Trump is supposed to release his tax returns, since Obama releases his certificate.
  10. Finally. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0411/53802.html
  11. Im happy with it too. Can't believe what the one guy did for the other.
  12. If everyone would just take 10 minutes out over their "oh so busy" lives, things would be a lot better in the world.
  13. Badass. I wanna know how much $$ that cost!
  14. Carbs need sync'd and/or cleaned.
  15. I didn't see it when JRM posted it, but this is why I offset from the car in front of me.
  16. $3300 isn't more than $3300. Jussayin
  17. There is a Camaro at my apartment that is like that. I cringe every time I see it.
  18. I thought he had run a couple times before too. And no, I haven't read your links yet.
  19. I know it was you. :lol:

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