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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. It is a training issue in part, but indirectly. It's what each branch feels like the necessary training is. For a tank mechanic like myself, my training was geared toward what my job was. You also have to look at the numbers. There is a reason the Marine motto is "The few, the proud" There are less Marines than soldiers so their training needs to encompass anything and everything. The Army has enough soldiers that they feel that if a cook can't clear a building, no big deal, he doesn't need to. My training didn't pick up until we were going to deploy. Before they didn't think I needed combat skills. Then after our deployment orders they realized they had failed in the area. So we got some combat training. That has changed somewhat in the Army but it is all unit/section dependent. When we got back to the States I made sure my fresh soldiers got as much training as they could get. I made sure it was realistic for them and not just going through the motions. I really with the Army would treat every soldier combat ready and train them to that level.
  2. Their overall training exceeds that of the other branches. Marines are all infantry first and foremost. Then they act on their specialty. Army is geared more towards the soldier's specialty, not infantry. MArines mentality is also totally different. In a sense they don't want to let the corps down and will do anything to keep that from happening. They have the longest basic training and go more in depth on tactics right off the bat. Whereas the Army just cover just the basics in basic. Once a Marine, always a Marine. I'm sure Jagr could answer better, that's just my take. Look at that, no Marine jokes were thrown in there. lol
  3. As much as I'd love to, I really don't have the money. GLWS.
  4. Shouldn't you be doing housework or something?
  5. Welcome back Carie! When are you gonna start a poll for the baby's name?
  6. I don't know about this site Max. comments from "Michelle" or "Dixie Darling" on various blogs. All of them with exactly the same text. http://armsandthelaw.com/archives/2009/01/webpage_for_rec.php http://www.topix.com/forum/us/TQSEQNNEARD2MGAJQ/p8
  7. It does when you are in a nice warm restaurant. (no alcohol served of course)
  8. I'm pretty sure they are still in negotiations.
  9. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/12/31/richardson-declines-pardon-outlaw-billy-kid/
  10. You just beat me to this. I was just gonna post about her riding. From the New York Times:
  11. And you thought the $3 quadrillion lawsuit for Hurricane Katrina was crazy (http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=8512) http://money.canoe.ca/money/business/canada/smallbusiness/archives/2010/08/20100824-160833.html Edit: There is more than one lawsuit of this magnitude: Las Vegas man sues Alpine attorney for $38 quadrillion http://www.heraldextra.com/news/local/article_f4cc1092-7012-549a-90a9-84ab09c17782.html Edit again: This is the largest suit ever filed: Bank of America Sued for 1,784 Sextillion Dollars Holy crap!! http://www.loweringthebar.net/2009/09/bank-of-america-sued-for-1784-sextillion-dollars.html
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGJ0fJN10YY
  13. Jagr rides a HD. He just won't admit to it.
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