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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. I respect that. I know retirement is at 20, but at 10 years you're halfway there. It's usually the point where most will stick it out until retirement figuring the've gone halfway.
  2. Take this advice as gold. Ohdaho is absolutley correct. The military can either be the best thing in your life or the worst, but that is up to you. Ohdaha, why get out after 7-8 years? You'd be nearly to your 10 year mark.
  3. No kidding, Way to give away the secret jporterputz. Man, where have I heard that before...? :scratchhead:
  4. Four years active army, two years national guard. Heavy and light wheel and track mechanic. Wheeled and track recovery specialist. Operation Iraqi Freedom III. Wife has 4 years active in as well. she was an MP, wrote for the post newspaper and in/out processing. I got out after I had my daughter. I didn't want to put her through deployments, even though I didn't mind and enjoyed it. There are many times I wish I would have stayed active. It's a different lifestyle. I felt I had a purpose, had great benefits and grew very close with those I served with. They are my extended family. PM me if you want, I'll give you my cell and you can give me a call. I'm always willing to help out with anything you need.
  5. That's what she said. The only things you really hear are people sniffling and crying. I'd love to visit there someday. It would be an honor to me. Yes, N Korea is trembling from our strong words.
  6. Come summer everyone is gonna be bitching how hot it is and that they can't wait for winter.
  7. I'd agree. I was like, WTF she's had that the whole time and just been carrying it around? Would have been nice when they attacked the camp. Daaaamn. I didn't even think about that! Makes sense if she is pregnant.
  8. I use www.opendns.com Works well for me. Never tried others though.
  9. You beat me to the thread UP. My wife was stationed in Hawaii. She said there are still bullet holes in some of the buildings which is really eerie to see, and the USS Airizona is a very solemn, awesome sight. I would love to visit it one day. Because they don't fear us anymore. They know we are just gonna slap them on the wrist and say "Bad, stop it or else. :rolleyes:"
  10. Have there been complaints or is this something you've noticed? I don't usually click on stuff for sale unless it's really something that peaks my interest so I haven't noticed if there have been a lot without prices.
  11. aww, now that's just harsh.
  12. I think it was a pretty bad ending. There are still unanswered questions but I guess you have to keep it open for the next season though. It seemed really slow too, I kept losing interest because it really wasn't going anywhere. I'm not so sure the blonde it pregnant. I think she's still recovering from losing and shooting her sister. They were starting to get really close so that would have to be tough on her. Buuuuut.....maybe there is a zombie baby on the way? That's funny right there!
  13. This is supposed to end tonight anyways. It wasn't meant to stop child abuse. It was to make people think about it and get to talking. Just like cdubyah said, it got you to post up a thread about it. seems likes it worked to me.
  14. You're born you get taxed, you die and you get taxed. Can't even give a gift without getting taxed. Just wait until they track the air you breath and tax it too.
  15. I'd take 150 degrees over this crap any day.
  16. I'm really glad that it went to someone that will use it and get some enjoyment out of it. It wasn't as bad as I figured moving it out of my place with 4 people this time. Even carrying it at far as we did wasn't bad. Did you get the PM I sent you with the information I found on it? Thought it might be of interest. It was a pleasure to meet you and your daughter as well. She's a sweet kid. And mine is enjoying the doll very much. Although her mom and I know that cheer by heart now! I sincerely hope you get many years of enjoyment out of it. Let me know when you tune it, it should sound great! Thanks Jagz, we try.
  17. Yes the numbers are higher than normal. With the economy, everyone ran to the military. I know the Army was, as of about a month ago, only taking new recruits with high school diplomas and were not taking prior service personnel of the pay grade E-5 and higher. Bonuses are still to be had, but not like they have been in the recent past. They are more for very particular MOS's like linguists.
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