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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Cool. Count me, my wife and kiddo in.
  2. I wondered that too, especially all the military vehicles. None of them have keys, you just jump in a turn them on. And given the circumstances, I highly doubt anyone got a chance to lock the steering wheels or doors.
  3. Oh shit, one more post until the big 5k! :lol:

  4. You gonna have a poll to find out a head count? I figure this will be kid friendly Moosie?
  5. Yeah, I know right. I gotta get it out, it's been sitting for a couple weeks. I've gone out and started it up a few times though.
  6. I wish I could remember for sure but I want to say between 310 and Mink St, maybe as far as Taylor. There was two parked side by side on the north side of the road. Maybe I'll take a ride this week and locate them for you.
  7. Oh yeah. This is sweet so far. Watch for a code during a commercial then enter it at amcdead.com for a chance to win a stagger on role in a future episode.
  8. He's still back and forth with what he wants to do with it. One day he says he wants to restore it to original, the next day a suped up hot rod. With a 9 foot bed it would probably make a good shop truck. I think they have creeper gear with unbelievable torque. There are 2 of these trucks near me, on RT 40. Don't know if they are for sale, just saw them sitting there one day.
  9. T minus 2 hours, 15 minutes.
  10. Way to ruin it Tom. I do think it's a riot.
  11. Could have been an ad based off a real event.
  12. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=134400409942836
  13. http://www.amctv.com/originals/The-Walking-Dead/
  14. If I had no other option, I think I'd try it. Might be pretty comfy for longer rides.
  15. chevysoldier


    Glad you guys had a good ride, sounds like ya'll had fun. Thankfully no one got hurt too bad.
  16. That's a freaky movie, all 3 of them are. Actually you bring up another good point. It is recommended to have a small BOB in your car. If you break down and have to hike out to safety, you'll be better prepared for survival. I have yet to set one of these up but is on my list. The hardcore people will actually have something set up at home, in their car, at work and anywhere else they frequent a lot.
  17. Not sure if it's real or not..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Knu14TlvCQE
  18. Bump for a nice tank. Lot's of applications this could be used for.
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