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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. I was searching for different types of personal aircraft after reading your thread and saw that picture. I didn't feel like posting it up and derail the thread. Anyways, have fun with your endeavor. Remember to keep a parachute on!
  2. I meant normal people. j/k
  3. New episode in two minutes.
  4. Is that what you call it... Only if you get banned too. How many out of 4k members actually log on here? I know it's no where near 4k. I don't think there are too many members on here that are very vocal in their support. It goes as far as "Yeah, I support them". I can think of quite a few more that probably don't care one way or another. When stuff gets posted up that is geared towards the military or vets, it may get a handful of replies. But if it's about politics, or a hot new girl shows signs up, or there is a someone is acting like an idiot, the post count skyrockets. The lack of OR people showing up for this doesn't surprise me. Rolling Freedom had a good turn out but then again, motorcycles were involved. Having nothing to do with my status as a vet, it saddens me that veterans don't get the support and recognition they deserve, not just on ORDN but across the country. But then again, the freedom to make that decision has been fought for and died for which is why Westboro Church is allowed to continue with their views. Yeah, I didn't make this today. I wanted to but shit happens. I support my fellow brothers in arms, but most of that support no one here will ever hear about. All that being said, I know there are those on here that support the troops. I've talked with many of you personally, you know who you are. I thank you and ask that you will always continue to support them. Much of the support given today comes from the older generations of veterans. They know what it is like to come back from combat and be spit upon. They have taught their children to show their support. But for many people it is no different then how in the days following 9/11 everyone flew the flag. Slowly, that patriotism died. If we were to be invaded, the entire country would be behind the troops. Once the threat was neutralized, patriotism would again die off. Thats how Americans are nowadays. /rant
  5. On Sunday, November 7, 2010 at 2 a.m., Daylight Saving Time ends in the United States. Set your clocks back one hour. enjoy the extra sleep!
  6. 5 November: 1338 – Ly Anh Tong is enthroned as emperor of Vietnam at the age of two, starting a 37-year reign. 1499 – Publication of the Catholicon in Tréguier (Brittany). This Breton-French-Latin dictionary was written in 1464 by Jehan Lagadeuc. It is the first Breton dictionary as well as the first French dictionary. 1530 – The St. Felix's Flood destroys the city of Reimerswaal in the Netherlands. 1605 – Gunpowder Plot: A conspiracy led by Robert Catesby to blow up the English Houses of Parliament is thwarted when Sir Thomas Knyvet, a justice of the peace, finds Guy Fawkes in a cellar below the House of Lords. 1688 – The Glorious Revolution begins: William of Orange lands at Brixham. 1743 – Coordinated scientific observations of the transit of Mercury are organized by Joseph-Nicolas Delisle. 1757 – Seven Years' War: Frederick the Great defeats the allied armies of France and the Holy Roman Empire at the Battle of Rossbach. 1768 – Treaty of Fort Stanwix, the purpose of which is to adjust the boundary line between Indian lands and white settlements set forth in the Proclamation of 1763 in the Thirteen Colonies. 1780 – French-American forces under Colonel LaBalme are defeated by Miami Chief Little Turtle. 1831 – Nat Turner, American slave leader, is tried, convicted, and sentenced to death in Virginia. 1838 – The Federal Republic of Central America begins to disintegrate when Nicaragua separates from the Federation. 1854 – Crimean War: The Battle of Inkerman. 1862 – American Civil War: Abraham Lincoln removes George B. McClellan as commander of the Union Army for the second and final time. 1862 – Indian Wars: In Minnesota, 303 Dakota warriors are found guilty of rape and murder of whites and are sentenced to hang. 38 are ultimately executed and the others reprieved. 1872 – Women's suffrage in the United States: In defiance of the law, suffragist Susan B. Anthony votes for the first time, and is later fined $100. 1895 – George B. Selden is granted the first U.S. patent for an automobile. 1911 – After declaring war on the Ottoman Empire on September 29, 1911, Italy annexes Tripoli and Cyrenaica. 1913 – King Otto of Bavaria is deposed by his cousin, Prince Regent Ludwig, who assumes the title Ludwig III. 1916 – The Kingdom of Poland is proclaimed by the Act of November 5th of the emperors of Germany and Austria-Hungary. 1916 – The Everett Massacre takes place in Everett, Washington as political differences lead to a shoot-out between the Industrial Workers of the World organizers and local police. 1917 – October Revolution: In Tallinn, Estonia, Communist leader Jaan Anvelt leads revolutionaries in overthrowing the Provisional Government (As Estonia and Russia are still using the Julian Calendar, subsequent period references show an October 23 date). 1917 – St. Tikhon of Moscow is elected the Patriarch of Moscow and of the Russian Orthodox Church. 1937 – Adolf Hitler holds a secret meeting and states his plans for acquiring "living space" for the German people. 1942 – The Second Battle of El Alamein is won by the British in El Alamein, Egypt. 1945 – Colombia joins the United Nations. 1967 – The Hither Green rail crash in the United Kingdom kills 49 people. Survivors include Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees. 1970 – Vietnam War: The United States Military Assistance Command in Vietnam reports the lowest weekly American soldier death toll in five years (24). 1983 – Byford Dolphin diving bell accident kills five and leaves one severely injured. 1986 – USS Rentz, USS Reeves and USS Oldendorf visit Qingdao (Tsing Tao) China — the first US Naval visit to China since 1949. 1987 – Govan Mbeki is released from custody after serving 24 years of a life sentence for terrorism and treason. 1990 – Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the far-right Kach movement, is shot dead after a speech at a New York City hotel. 1995 – André Dallaire attempts to assassinate Prime Minister Jean Chrétien of Canada. He is thwarted when the Prime Minister's wife locks the door. 1996 – President of Pakistan Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari dismisses the government of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and dissolves the National Assembly of Pakistan. 2006 – Saddam Hussein, former president of Iraq, and his co-defendants Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti and Awad Hamed al-Bandar are sentenced to death in the al-Dujail trial for the role in the massacre of the 148 Shi'as in 1982. 2007 – China's first lunar satellite, Chang'e 1 goes into orbit around the Moon. 2009 – US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan kills 13 and wounds 30 at Fort Hood, Texas in the largest mass shooting at a US military installation.
  7. Good luck getting a decent job in the military right now. Everyone ran to the military and now its full of a bunch of pansies, and you prob have no chance of you going in at a higher pay grade either. They don't "need" you so they aren't going to try to entice you to come in.
  8. I think Max Power would be a good choice. You saw him shooting the .22 last time, oh that's right, you weren't there.
  9. I'm calling BS. first is there really someone stupid enough to try that? And secondly the time from the shot to impact looked off to me.
  10. You can't lump all auto technicians together. There are bad apples in every field of work.
  11. lol, basically what everyone is saying is it is personal preference. Best way is to shoot as many different guns you can. Everyone has their likes and dislikes about a particular firearm. If you search you will find quite a few different threads discussing pros and cons of most of the guns that were just recommended.
  12. I remember when we helped with the elections in Iraq. It was something like 75% that voted.
  13. My statement still stands.
  14. If I wasn't anti-gun I would approve. Pay no attention to my avatar.
  15. So is an M&P. Get a real gun.
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