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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Yeah we have set them off before. Pretty amazing to watch them shoot into the air. Seat belt tensioners are crazy to watch them cinch down and then realize that happens with you in the seat!
  2. Because when the district does not do with it what they say, and ends up wasting it, it pisses the people off. Do that enough times and finally the people say that enough and won't pass any more.
  3. My thoughts exactly. Affirmative action does not work. It only keeps better qualified people out because they aren't a "minority". Hopefully some of this Arizona mentality rubs off on the rest of the country.
  4. And to think of all the people who say their vote doesn't matter.
  5. I've seen a couple issues be 50% - 50% but didn't see the actual voter numbers. They will recount and recount again, then people will bitch so the'll recount some more. Then there will be a problem with the voting machines (since hanging chads or no longer the in thing anymore)
  6. As of right now, it is 60% in favor of the ban. Thoughts?
  7. This is projected to fail as of right now.
  8. I was gonna guess Granville? Welcome.
  9. That's fine as long as you walk everywhere. Can't open carry in a car/on a motorcycle. It then becomes concealed. I carry a gun because a cop weighs too much. Pencils cause spelling errors. Cars get drunk and run themselves off the road. I carry a gun for the same reason you and I wear a seatbelt. Hopefully I don't need either. I carry a gun the for the same reason you have a fire extinguisher, when the authorities can't get there quick enough. If guns commit crimes and/or murder people, mine are defective. A gun is the only thing that will put a 90 year old woman and a 25 year old ganger banger on equal grounds. "No gun" signs only keep the law abiding citizen from carrying. A bad guy will not follow that sign for the same reason he didn't reply for a CHL; He is a bad guy. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. I will become an outlaw overnight. I will not give up my right to bear arms while I still have ammunition left.
  10. Every adult who has attained the age of 25 and passed a firearms safety course, the government will license that person and issue a handgun. Problem solved.
  11. Requirement for something.
  12. How would that make it better, there would just be more guns to shoot with. duh Give them to me, I'll destroy them for you so you don't have to that mental torture.
  13. Statism or Communitarianism? lol But don't lie, we all know you voted Democrat.
  14. It was JRM and then a number, pretty sure it was a 3. I wrote in "Whatever JRMiii votes, I vote the opposite."
  15. My wife and I got our vote in today. I voted against JRMiii. Oh, and I saw a license plate the other day and didn't have time to get a pic for you. It said "JRM 3"
  16. You lie. Those "No Gun Zone" signs work too!
  17. I'll read this later because I don't have the time now. I'm guessing it will be a load of crap anyways. Moar fear.
  18. You mean DirecTv looses G4 right? Because I have Dish, just double checked and G4 is still there.
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