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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Yeah I can probably meet you down there about noon. I'll have Brooke with me more than likely. Unless I can get my mom to watch her and I'll take the bike out. Ridden it twice in 3 weeks I think.
  2. I'm sure it is. And seeing as I can't see the link Todd sent me, it's in the "Supporters" section. Aww shucks. Whatever will I do. I feel so alienated now. Darn.
  3. No, not really. Should I be looking for them or something?
  4. For those people that wanted numbers of the Restoring Honor Rally, here is an aerial view. http://www.patriotsteaparty.net/wordpress/?p=2639 Plus there are two videos of the aftermath of the restoring honor rally and Obama's Inauguration. Take notice of the amount of trash left behind between the two.
  5. Yeah, 12 tours is insane. Normally an Army tour is at least a year so if he did 12 full tours...wow.
  6. Pretty sweet set up. It's neat how each of the six rotors act independently. To move forward, the front 4 rotors slow, the back 2 speed up. Turn right, the bottom 3 rotors slow and it rotate right. For left, the top rotors slow down. It is also self leveling. As soon as you release the controls, it hovers level in place. I want one. http://www.draganfly.com/uav-helicopter/draganflyer-x6/ Flight Demo Video: http://www.draganfly.com/uav-helicopter/draganflyer-x6/gallery/videos/
  7. Stand down soldier, your mission is complete. RIP. Video on site. If it doesn't load right away, I think it is due to the high volume of traffic. http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/us/2010/10/07/savidge.vogler.soldier.12.tours.cnn.html
  8. No, why? Should I be looking?

  9. I don't know anybody personally but have heard of it. My M&P is 8+1 and I usually don't carry spare mags but if I am going into town or something, I'll just grab one or two more mags. It's too easy to throw them in my pocket or holster. If I need more than 25 rounds I am in the wrong part of town. I figure if I have one magazine and am involved with two bad guys and miss, lets say 3 times. People miss in gun fights all the time. That give's me 3 rounds per bad guy. 3 bad guys gives me 2 per, assuming I only miss 3 times. I just would rather have better odd when it comes to my life and that of my family. just my thoughts.
  10. Psh, that chevy guy talks out of his ass. But like Jags said, carry what you are comfortable with. Just like bikes, everyone has there preference. Although you can't usually take a concealed carry test drive so that makes it difficult. Like Max Power says, he loves his. I have never carried one concealed so obviously I am going to be biased. I only speak from my usage of them while at the range and such. Of course, I also love my M&P too much that I really can't see liking anything else, especially a revolver, as a daily carry. Regardless of what you carry, and you said you already have your CHL, my opinion is a both a revolver and semi auto are better to carry than nothing at all. If the only gun I has was a revolver, I'd carry it in a heartbeat. To each there own. Good luck on whatever route you decide on.
  11. More difficult to carry extra speedloaders than magazines. Less capacity in a wheel gun. Seem to be more bulky. Easier to add a light or laser to a semi auto. Only pro to a wheel gun would probably a misfire would be quicker to correct and no chance of a round not feeding. I won't carry a revolver.
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