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Status Updates posted by chevysoldier

  1. Nice Mj. Kawi, put your token down and the comps tokens in between two of yours will turn to your color. You want as many to be your color as you can.

  2. No need to apologize. Weve all fought for their right to freedom of speech. I heard a saying once: It is the soldier who fights under the flag, whose coffin is drapped by the flag that allows the protestor to burn the flag.

  3. No, he hasnt said anything to me yet. Whats the word?

  4. No, it's not my tattoo. I just really liked it! I had posted it up in some tattoo thread on here, forget why exactly.

  5. No, why? Should I be looking?

  6. Not sure what the legality of that would be. I just hand them to managers.

  7. Not sure. will have to find out

  8. Oh shit, one more post until the big 5k! :lol:

  9. Oh, okay. Yeah I rode down with Shawn and some other OR guys to the shack to get a few things, a sleeping bag and fishing pole. It was a good ride.

  10. Okay cool. Looks like alab32 want to come out and ride with us too so I am keeping him posted as well. Thanks Jagr

  11. okay cool. Yeah about 20 mins after you left, meanie stopped by for a body estimate. Seemed like a cool guy too.

  12. okay, be easier to set stuff up that way rather than trhu this....kinda slow going

  13. Okay. Sound good. Have fun.

  14. OMG, you'll love it! You can pick up a guided cd tour and drive around. It's nice because you can do it at your own pace. It was absolutely amazing just looking over the battlefields and trying to envision all those soldiers running and shooting and the cannon balls flying through the air. It was absolutely amazing.

  15. PM me the detail on the house if you could.

  16. Sent it out this morning. sorry it took me a few days.

  17. Sounds busy. You gonna hit make some rides? You need to check out this and see if you can make it. I should be there. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=55722&highlight=christian. Oh and be sure to read the current Obama Care thread, I just know you'll enjoy it. :D

  18. Sounds good. Hope you can make it, if not not worries.

  19. Sounds like a deal. I know there are a lot of people on here that like to shoot. Search the forums and you'll find em. Whenever I can get some free time, and I'm not gonna freeze my nuts off I'll let you know. :D

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