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Status Updates posted by chevysoldier

  1. what man are you fucking? :p

  2. what outlet mall?

  3. What? On labor day? wtf. What days are you off?

  4. Who's Marlboro man?

  5. Wife was working and nobody was able to watch my kiddo. Sorry man, I really wanted to be there.

  6. Wow, I must be tired. It was jhaag who gave me rep and the star. I thought it was you...wow...:nono:

  7. Wow. Have fun. I've driven between Ohio and California 3 times. LOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG.

  8. Yeah I know I need to get her a jacket. Oh and the address for the shop is 10500 Crouse-Willison Rd. Johnstown Ohio 43031. Sorry I realized I forgot to send that to you.

  9. Yeah I'll be there with my kiddo. Will prob just bring a box of .45 for the M&P. Don't think I'll bring anything else.

  10. yeah Im free most all day. Would be fun. I'd like to see if alab32 would like to come, you care?

  11. Yeah man sounds good. I was just down your way this past Friday. Rode down 158, had to clear my head. You're going on the CSBA ride on Saturday right?

  12. Yeah that would make for a long ride lol. I will keep you posted. I think we'd get along well. :D

  13. Yeah thats what I said....Im dyslexic sometimes EAST!!

  14. Yeah, ill have to look at em. The only one I have on here is the one on my bike. I need to get another one cuz its since been repainted.

  15. Yeah, need to see what rides are going on soon.

  16. Yeah, that's what happens when someone runs your bike into a wall. :nono:

  17. Yep, I will. Thanks.

  18. You changed your name?? I was like who the hell is hutch and why is he on my friends list?!?

  19. You didn't go ride with them today?

  20. You got jokes today huh? :lol:

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