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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Fuck HP. My wife's laptop is an HP and has been shit almost since we bought it. Ill never buy HP again.
  2. Better not hit it with a Glock. The cheap plastic parts will break. And yes. Get video of whatever you do.
  3. BIL is looking at this place. $75 http://www.armed2defend.com/
  4. Lol. Nope, back pocket. I keep my key tags for Kroger, etc in the pocket cuz I don't like them on my key ring. I keep it pretty clean, just what I need.
  5. My brother in law says it's even better in stereo.
  6. I just saved 15% on my car insurance by switching to Geico.
  7. Trip to the zoo today. I'll have a few more later.
  8. The officer over reacted. He's probably has the intelligence of a 9 year old. Probably got picked on as a kid and now is power hungry. I wasn't there but I'm sure that's what happened. No other explanation ... Yeah, that was freaking sarcasm....
  9. I've been using this since 2003 and has held up great. Been through Iraq, countless field rotations, rain, mud, whatever else I have been able to throw at it. No wear on it at all. I love this wallet. http://www.opticsplanet.net/spec-ops-t-h-e-wallet-100070101.html#
  10. This is what I'm teaching my daughter.
  11. Oh, you were there. You know all the facts and circumstances involved with this. Thanks for clarifying that.
  12. It was for your clarification. I've tazed no one.
  13. Didn't the article say he told the kid to comply then told him multiple times he'd use the tazer? It wasn't his first resort.
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