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Everything posted by dover

  1. dover

    Oct 24th.

    I am indeed back way in the day, god was that a defining moment in my automotive history.. ah well I got my shit together now. I have a glorious 18 days back in the states before returning to this place.
  2. dover

    Oct 24th.

    I was thinking the 23rd we do bars and the 24th cars. I am down for whatever though.
  3. dover

    Oct 24th.

    Well I should be in town the 23rd. So I am trying to coordinate something for the 24th. I know myself and some others are going to D42 on the 25th early in the morning but, I have been out of town for 12 months and sleep isn't an issue at this point. Anyone have any ideas? I am down to drive anywhere and I am trying to get some old faces out there I haven't seen in awhile. Plus I haven't met like half of the new people on the site, so this could be fun. Here's acouple pictures of my last year: This guy got in some in trouble for this. Idiot. http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c375/allaboutwrx/fuck.jpg Our trucks. http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c375/allaboutwrx/iraq.jpg Me. http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c375/allaboutwrx/me.jpg Well I mean here's kind of a teaser for those who already don't know http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c375/allaboutwrx/dover.jpg
  4. well maybe i need to get a bumper like you to make it cool again!
  5. that is probably the sickest thing i have ever seen..
  6. i will be out next weekend with the cobra im back from fucking Iraq on Tuesday
  7. i will be driving the cobra up, i wish i had a trailer... what time you meeting up?
  8. Is anyone meeting up to head to this? I am unfamiliar with the area and well haven't been in Ohio in about a year. So anyone want to meet up to head to this?
  9. dover


    It has been a long and rough road to getting here but I'm glad it's said and done with now. Next project time? Fox maybe?
  10. I would love to swing by and see some old faces
  11. dover


    Awesome customer service, and helped me out in a huge way. All I can say is my pump tune makes some damn good power. I will forsure be taking my Cobra back to them again and again and again.
  12. The Army has a College repayment program (I dont know much about it you will have to ask or research it) where they will pay your outstanding debt in college. And as far as the GI Bill goes Hell YES! It went up a ton this year finally, its about 80K now which is plenty for a 4 year degree to some of the better colleges around. (It use to be 38K and that didnt cover shit).
  13. I am currently serving a 15/18 month deployment in Iraq in the Us Army Infantry. Now I don't know much about other services but I can tell you about mine. I have been in about 25 months now so I can't give you the full story some vets can. First off to get in the Army now adays all you have to do is show up and thats about it. To get in the infantry, well there really isnt any hardship to that, you can score as low as a 20 I think on the Asvab. Now as much as I bitch and moan about my job I don't think I would want to do much of anything else in the Army. First off you do alot of useless bullshit. I have cleaned everything from dishes to shitters here. You don't get to live at the big F.O.B's in Iraq (currnetly at a whole in wall JSS in the middle of an Iraqi Army base). You eat god awful MRE's. And the pay is terrible. Aside from that you get to see the world and kill these fucking Ja Shamadi (sp?) terrorist fucks. If you decide to get out after your commitement you can transfer your time in service to just about in Fed Govt Job. Question is do you have any College? If you have atleast a Bachelor check in to some Nat. Sec. Jobs. Such as Border Patrol, Secret Service, CIA, FBI, etc. these organizations currently are paying pretty damn well, and its pretty good job security. You can bet on coming overseas if you join the Army or Marine Corps at this point though, last I heard Gen. Patreaus (sp?) wants everyone Reserves, Nat. Guard, Active to atleast do one tour here. I have Squad Leaders that have been in the Army some 6 years and been here 3 and 4 times already. I was out of Basic and AIT about 6 months before I came. If you have any particular questions about the Army just let me know man I'll be glad to pass my knowledge on.
  14. What Dept is this in? I have family and friends in several local law enforcement agencies.. edit. When he see's you does he say or do anything?
  15. dover

    Verizon On CR

    Do you know if the converage area is better in Southern Louisiana, I used to have Verizon 2 years ago but since I am stationed at Ft. Polk, I got zero service so I had to switch to AT&T
  16. I live in Pickerington when I am on leave I will hit you up, I can appreciate a badass fox.. why is this in the Kitchen
  17. if you have pictures please email them or post them up, i will snag this off your hands.. dover_tenthmountain@yahoo.com
  18. Welcome man, love to see more cobra's on here..
  19. Awesome, thanks for the info. I just sent you a PM 04srturbo, all I need is his account and you can count me in.
  20. Can you put me down for this, I should be home by the 22nd for leave but with flights coming from Iraq I can't be sure. Who do I pay?
  21. i am also a fan of the 03 cobra out of everything i have owned by far the best all around vehicle for the money..
  22. I may have mine laying around from my swap. Let me call home and see if I can figure that out, it may take a day or two to lack of communication from Iraq to home.
  23. welcome, post pics, and atleast you got the sonic blue going for you.. i may be interested in your trunk lid?
  24. is that what women are coming too. what's next..
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