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Posts posted by dover

  1. Well I got a replica version of the glorified FR500's. I love how they look on the Cobra but I need a change. I obviously can't just up and take them off and sell them so don't ask. The car is in Dayton with Presicion but Chris over there will do the swap for me. I need something unique-ish for my car. I have 18x9's in the front and 18x10.5's in the back. They have Nitto Nt555 in the front and Nt555R2 in the back both with amazing tread because as you can tell I have driven my car a total of about 1100 miles in the year I have owned it, and it wont move again for 15 months so honestly I am in noooo rush. I only got a couple weeks to decide what I want to do and if no offers come about then I will just worry about it till when I get back.


    What I am looking for is some prostars or something of the sort. I want maybe some skinnies in the front and some 16x12's in the back with a spacer if its possiable.


    Here is the only pic I have on this PC:



  2. If you spend deployment money on a car I'll slap you. So many retards came home and busted their load on nice cars now they don't have a penny in savings or anything.. also living with the parents still.



    it would be partial deployment money but most will be wrapped up in CD's or other types of investments. I could buy the car today but wouldnt be able to enjoy it till I get back. :)


    GL with the sale!

  3. There is a hellion dealer on mod fords if you still would like to go turbo. He should have both the 76mm and 88mm kits in stock. He quoted me ~6150 shipped for the 76 without suspension.


    PM me about what happened and maybe I can offer a little more help.



    PM'd you.

  4. Hey all,


    I know opinions are like @#$ but what truck would you say would be best?


    Toyota Tacoma 4WD

    Ford Ranger 4WD

    Chevy S10 4WD

    Ford Explorer 4WD






    I have an 02 Explorer and with just 75K miles on it the crank sensor is bad and needs replaced, but other wise when it is driving correctly it isnt a bad beater.

  5. Search around modfords for info on them, seems to not be the best option out there.



    Yeah, I am really lost on what to do. I sold everything for the KB setup to go turbo, and now that I seem to be getting fucked on that, I am shit out of luck. You have any ideas on what I should do?

  6. I may be looking to Procharge my 03 Cobra, do to the turbo idea not seeming to get done. I will no more at the end of the week, and I will elaborate with the shop that ends up getting the Cobra running after 10 months of nothing happening :mad: . Anywho the kit I am intersted in is the F-1A kit :eek: I am not sure if it comes with the 3 Core FMIC but if that is an option I want it. The best price I have seen was $4K and that is ok but maybe someone on here can do better. Let me know, I will be back from Fort Polk on Sat. Oct. 13th for 16 days, and then I leave for 15 months, so I have got to get this done now. Thanks for the help.




    cell. 614.330.2060

  7. Hmm.. I think I'm going to go with the paint then... Going to have to pick up a dremel and silicon sealer, and hope I don't screw 'em up. ;)



    I painted my headlights on my 06WRX back when I had it, I was also going to paint the rears but i said fuck it. Its super-simple to do and I know if you havent already there is a whole page dedicated to it on Nasioc.com. I never used a dremel, I just heated my oven up to 250 put the lights in for 20min pulled them apart, re-sealed them and put em back on the car. I advise doing the headlights it looks amazing with a flat black coat over the chrome. Here are a couple old pictures.

    from this.


    to this.


  8. I worked at LineX and if I am not mistaken the company gurantees it, so if it cracks or fades you can take it in for a respray. I believe we charged 400 for a short bed. Nice thing about Line X is it takes about an hour to do and the truck is ready to go there after unlike Rhino Lineing that takes a day (I believe) to dry and set and can be damaged if not allowed the time.
  9. Does any one know the big name forums down there, now that I am stationed in Louisiana I can make it over to Houston in about 2 hours, and since absolutely no people on this base know anything about anything I need to get back in to a croud of car lovers. So any information would be greatly appreciated. :cool:
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