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Posts posted by dover

  1. Well I guess I will be an exception. Remember Austin me vs. you and me on low boost and no spray. I want you to take a picture of my rear bumper and tape it to your windshield so you dont forget it! hahahahahah :)
  2. 1. Shawshank Redemption - Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman "Everyones innocent in here"

    2. Green Mile - Tom Hanks, David Morse, and Michael Clarke Duncan - the whole movie is amazing

    3. Forest Gump- Tom Hanks "Momma Said"

    4. Walk the Line - Joaqin Phoenix - Amazing singer

    5. Pursuit of Happyness - Will Smith - truly showed he has matured since his Fresh Prince days, my favorite movie of the year by farrr.

  3. did they ever caught the driver that hit you?


    Yeah the Semi truck driver got that bastards plates. The police found the car the next day, it wasnt his it was registered under his sister, and then they couldnt find him for another couple days. He had the nerve to right on the report that it felt like he hit a pothole not the whole side of my car. I had three witnesses give reports on my side, it wasnt pleasent for him


    It went from this:







  4. I think Cavin is looking to sell his STi, and its pretty hot. I had a an 06 WRX before and I loved every second. The car ran great and was pretty mod friendly. Good luck with the purchase. I plan on getting an EVO though when I get back from Airborne.
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