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Posts posted by wht_scorpion

  1. Bullshit. I'm fatter than half of you guys and I'll have at least 2000 miles down that weekend. Stop making excuses. Hell' date=' I crashed last year and still rode home on my bike. If I can do it, you can do it...Especially on a DL1K.

    Think of it as a very fun challenge. Howabusa is a geriatric and he does it on a Hayabusa. Your Strom should be a breeze. BamBam is 80 years old and he does it on a Ducati Supersport. :eek:[/quote']

    Have to agree with him is not that bad. Fuck the rain gear and ride like a boss in the rain. I enjoyed my self riding down and home rain was a bummer but hell that what riding all about. and the young guys make me laugh you guy should be enjoying life then when you get old will know what pain is and you guys will have some stories to tell. Older guys have no problem to ride down some cant but if they were younger they would.

  2. And if people and Walmart are so confident in the "vote with your dollars" argument, why are they so scared of a couple peaceful protests within peoples' Constitutional rights?


    • Because if walmart workers unite they are going to have union walk right in and tell management how workers should be treated because management are on a power trip make the worker heads go every which way and cut hour for full time to 35 hours no over time and hire more part timer so they don't have to pay them holiday pay and medical. Ive heard of them fire 10 year workers and then in the same breath offer them to come back in 30 days at lower wages. If you are a outside and work for the company and transfer from another store don't think you will move up it wont happen.

  3. One scene in the trailer showed a "tower of zombies" at the side of a building. Dang, that sucks major when your building gets attacked by a zombie ladder.

    If I was on that building with gas I would pour it on the zombie and start a zombie BBQ. slow down zombie ladder.

  4. I has a big sad because this means no more Zingers! I used to eat a pack of raspberry zingers everyday in my younger less health conscious days. They are still a weak spot on occasion.

    Dude Im with you and snow balls just bought about 10 packs and 1 pack of chocolate filled Twinkies I know where I can get more a 1.00 a pack.

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