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Posts posted by wht_scorpion

  1. He won't go out of c-bus I tried, I ended up going to ziebart in r-burg, jason that works there is a good dude. 50% is the legal limit in ohio for the side windows, and its a big debate on if its anything goes on the back.
    Thanks their a guy here in zanesville Im going to have to call him. 35$ a window
  2. There was no threat. It wasn't a threat at 33/42, and it should never have reached 23/William. His football history will not suddenly make it a threat.

    Don't forget in this instance we are talking about a guy following someone into a parking lot, taking time to park the bike, set the kickstand, get off the bike and approach the other car shooting into the vehicle while the guy had his hands up? How would "make sure he's dead" help out here?

    In general "shoot until the threat is removed" is the correct approach, but there must be a threat to begin with. Going the extra step of making sure the victim is dead won't make a bad shoot into a good shoot.

    And I'm "still going on about it" because it happened in my 'hood, I'm a regular at the store it went down outside of, and I know the folks who work there.

    Their could be a threat maybe the guy was having motorcycle issues and the guy in the truck was riding his ass so he felt threat that some dude prick was going to run him over. Because he was driven to slow on the bike.

  3. Ive been riding bikes for about 21 years now and Ive seen some shit go down and if car don't want to respect bikes this is what is need to go down. Well if trucks want to ride people on motorcycles ass throw a couple of semi truck ball bearing or spark plugs over your shoulder. And if he cant take the hint try to get him to pull over and bash his fucking head in. that's road rage.

  4. Yea good luck finding a fi kawi 250. Won't see one unless your overseas. As for the Honda it's under powered compared to the kawi. Give it some time $2500-3000 should get it.

    Just have to have the parts sent from over sea to upgrade a bike to make it FI.

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