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Everything posted by wht_scorpion

  1. No he probly said they were removable lol
  2. We need pics of them to see what you have
  3. Have some one weld it
  4. last week they found to 2 men bodys in the muskingum river they were from licking county
  5. Thats cool riding brother looking out for each other bunch of good guys
  6. That sucks sorry to hear about that
  7. Welcome easy to raise that bike rulz need to see pics
  8. I was looking at the Icon seveth seal to be done like that on my bike or air brushed
  9. My girl dont like riding with me you drive to fast 10 miles over I m going to fast so I got her a bike.:sexytime:LoL
  10. dude just get her a bike to ride or she going to have to trust her life in your hands pick up a 250 ninja cheap and easy to fix
  11. Dude They will get theres I talk to a cop over here in blue rock and he said I live in the wild west and to defend my own crazy
  12. hope he gets well soon {Note To Self} carry ballpeen hammer and some chain
  13. when you get a chance pick up a repair manual for your bike and some tools metric you can do it by your self and rear stands and front stand easy to do hooking up neons hay I did the R1 throttle mod that we talk about at the QSL last year to my bike picks speed up fast

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