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Everything posted by wht_scorpion

  1. should start a thread saying hey sambusa day at the beach

  2. where are the casing and what cal. are you guys doing
  3. wht_scorpion

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    sambusa day at the beach with his sheep where did you get this pic from lol
  4. :drink:excute them dont need court to say that
  5. try a stand to the side wheelie frist its easy
  6. 50 cal barrets are nice target gun
  7. back in ny i watch a eagle grab a baby deer and fly up then dropped it from high up it was messed up to see it be came a meal for it
  8. can you say mooo cows at whale mart
  9. this is why they call it whale mart
  10. RIP what going on every one getting hurt on there bikes end of the season
  11. just kick him in the nut and ask him hows the foot ride snob
  12. sam ok here a storie what ny did. if you had 6 goats in ny they wanted you to become USDA if you wanted to sell at the auction. then they would come bye and have you sign up for nas tags. you had to call them if any of those goat left the land within 2 weeks before you moved them or they would fine you. Nas is a gps system for livestock back in ny they install a little tower in the middle of your land that so they can keep track of what you have.
  13. be safe over there. they dont eat beef cow and rats are worship over there. The some foods are very spicy try the kurry pretty good
  14. Yeah to have people with no idea of an animal or what they should look like. To tell a person what they are doing wrong the people who wanted this are the one that dont really know what animals looks like. Just what I seen what happen in NY. The people who are going to judge animals should have study them in the wild. Then they will really know what they are looking at. Just what i think every one else can think what they want................
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