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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Please do keep posting. This page is definitely one of my top visited things on the internet. I don't post as often as a lot of people in here, but I check it every day. I also check Land Grant Holy Land and Eleven Warriors daily, but you always seem to have stories I don't see on there, or don't see until a few hours afterwards.
  2. http://www.sling.com/?mkwid=sHpDpCU6q%7Cpcrid%7C54078193457%7Cpkw%7Csling%20tv%7Cpmt%7Ce%7Cpdv%7Cm&cvosrc=ppc.google.sling%20tv&cvo_crid=54078193457&matchtype=e Should work pretty well for you when it comes out.
  3. Bigbird

    Hardcore Heroin

    Lost my best friend from high school to it 5 years ago. I'd be interested in catching this documentary online to see if any of his friends are in it. I knew quite a few people that were in that life. As far as myself, I very much echo Derek's "zombie" sentiment. I got my tonsils out a few years ago, and as an adult it's a much bigger deal than when you're a kid. I missed 2 weeks of work and lost 20 lbs because I couldn't eat. They put me on liquid codene and by the end of the 1st week I couldn't sleep without taking the shit, and if I didn't take it I got really bad headaches and sick to my stomach. It was miserable. If that happened to me after just a week, I sure hope I don't ever get into a situation where I need to be prescribed something like oxy.
  4. Very similar build to the one I've got, except I never overclocked my CPU. Should be a good budget rig for someone!
  5. Thanks man! I picked it up last night. And Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes for like $7.
  6. Assuming Jones doesn't wet himself in the 'ship, his stock may never be higher. Hell he went from grey shirt not likely to ever see any meaningful game time, to the national championship in the blink of an eye. If he can make himself a few million...I don't think I'd pass up that opportunity.
  7. I've been going through the single player and just dicking around, but online gets on my nerves because everyone is like level >9000 and just kills me as soon as I spawn.
  8. Cool, I'll have tio pick up a copy.
  9. So a lot of people still play BF4? It's getting pretty old now right? And I hadn't even heard of Resogun, I'll have to check it out.
  10. I used to love getting on Call of Duty and having fun for a couple hours. Used to have a nice headset so I could sound whore and everything. I got a PS4 around Thanksgiving and mostly just have single player games for it and was thinking about picking up the newer Call of Duty, but I've heard the series has pretty much turned to crap and you can double jump and all that stuff. I really just miss the Modern Warfare games. So what's fun, and what are you guys playing these days?
  11. Get the FUCK out of here with that shit! Ohio State straight whooped their asses, no excuses.
  12. Yo dawg, I heard you like turnovers.
  13. Oregon is bringing the heat so far.
  14. They slowly chipped away throughout the 4th quarter. I'm not positive but I think they were down by like 20 at the beginning of the 4th.
  15. HOLY SHIT! Baylor kicker just destroyed BAH GAWD HE BROKE HIM IN HALF!
  16. Fucking Baylor...nice trick play though.
  17. Better hope it's not the firewall...that really needs to be a recall. It's most of the reason I sold my '09.
  18. This is probably a long shot, but does any one know how I could watch Division 3 Mount Union vs John Carroll online today?
  19. Counter-intelligence hired by the SEC to infiltrate local central Ohio message boards to shape opinions...or a troll/idiot.
  20. Seemed like a pretty blatant block in the back, of course they didn't give a good look at it on replay.
  21. Gotchu bruh. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjKNz5uxzLRHbp-xiIkrUiQ
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