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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Awesome! I've heard it's semi-common for coma patients though. Since they can't clear their lungs, the mucus tends to build up and cause issues. Still great that he's past that issue.
  2. If there's only been one or two times that it would have been a penalty...it doesn't seem like it's a big enough issue to make a new rule for.
  3. Bigbird

    RIP Internet

    http://mitchribar.com/2013/02/how-to-stop-youtube-sucking-windows-guide/ This. But if it doesn't work...then disregard.
  4. Bigbird

    RIP Internet

    ISP's have been throttling YouTube for a while. There's a few simple workarounds for it, though.
  5. I saw a few deer back there, officer. Just wanted to make sure no one hit them.
  6. Dicarlos>* Gotta eat it right away though, or get the toppings in a bag and put them on when you get home. They cook the pizza in the oven with just the sauce on, and put the toppings on at the end. The mix of cool cheese, into warm sweet sauce, down to a nice crispy/crunchy crust...amazing. I only just got turned on to this place right before I left town.
  7. Bigbird

    T-Mobile users?

    Never letting go of my grandfathered unlimited Verizon plan...NEVER!
  8. Kenny G should have gotten the call at the end. Smooth Jazz doesn't throw that interception, especially considering the fact Miller clearly wasn't at 100%.
  9. I could weep, as a grown man...fuck.
  10. FML...I hate being in California...
  11. Beautiful pass to Philly. I was expecting the same shit we saw when Hyde went out wide against MSU.
  12. Well I said it earlier...albeit prematurely, but is it time for Smooth Jazz? (For the wrong reasons this time)
  13. 99bigbirdCOTA "liked" this post.
  14. Usually getting burned, I think.
  15. Could this offense be MORE one dimensional than the Tressel offenses?
  16. I don't want to be that guy, but...Guiton? Braxton keeps trying to stretch out his arm or something?
  17. We can't afford ANY punts tonight...
  18. That's what we need (minus the need for a fake punt), long drives to take time off the clock. And I LOVE that full sprint stutter step.
  19. He looks like an even fatter Troy Smith in the 07 Fiesta Bowl..wtf...
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