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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. That sounds amazing! When I got transferred from my tech school in California to my new one in Mississippi I moved the wife back home for the summer and we took a more Southern route. I really regret not driving through Colorado. I don't know when I'll be able to get back out that way. I was really hoping to get stationed there, or maybe Washington. I guess when I get out of the Air Force I can decide whether I want to come back to Ohio or not.
  2. Ask any racer, any real racer. It doesn't matter if you win by an inch, or a mile...winnings winning. http://i594.photobucket.com/albums/tt24/575remyline/1568961921_d9eb5930b51.jpg
  3. Verizon doesn't do Nexus phones any more. If you don't mind spending the cash you could get the Google Play Edition of most flagship phones on Verizon, and they'll have stock Android. Otherwise check out the Moto X. Its pretty close to stock, but the new one is fixing to come out sooner rather than later so you might want to wait for that.
  4. If I could edit the title I would. Just found out I got diverted to Andrews AFB, Maryland. I'm honestly kind of bummed. I had gotten pretty excited about the prospect of living in Japan. Although, I suppose this will definitely be easier on my wife. Also don't know how I feel about living in DC. But, I suppose it could be Minot or something.
  5. Also, if Doc sees this...could you briefly go into the process of importing a car from Japan? Like if I was to buy a car in Japan, that is available in the states, could I bring it back with me without a ton of trouble?
  6. They had "Scrape the Coast" recently, which was mostly low-rider trucks and stuff. Beyond that, my Jeep isn't really much to show up to a car meet with. And I can't really modify/offroad it now if I've got to sell it this fall.
  7. After doing a bit of research today, it seems like getting the dogs over there isn't much different from going to Europe. I had just heard Asia was more strict. It's a ton of work over here before we go, and I'm sure it'll be tough on the dogs (the flight and everything). But definitely possible. One minute I'm excited, one minute I'm apprehensive. Same with the wife. But I'm not dead set on trading my assignment now...and the thought of some sweet JDM ride while I'm over there is very enticing lol.
  8. :lolguy: Thanks for the encouraging words guys. I'm starting to try and warm up to it. Still worried about the dogs, any insight into that? And from what I've heard, base of preference is out the window. I've had a hell of a time in tech school, so I currently don't really have plans to stay in past my 1st enlistment. I'm sure it'll get better once I'm operational, so that sentiment can of course change. The time away from my wife already, and bureaucratic BS of tech school has already jaded me to the experience, but you guys are lifting my spirits a bit.
  9. So, I'm freaking out a little bit haha. I'm still pretty new to the military, and have spent my entire time (14 months) in tech school. First I failed out of linguist school, and now I'm down in Biloxi in school to be what amounts to a network engineer. I'll finish up tech school here in October(ish). I'm 26 and married, have 2 dogs, and 2 cars. Mainly I'm worried about the wife/dogs. I know I can bring the wife with me, and if I had gotten a base in Europe, the dogs could have come too. But I'm not as sure about Japan. I'd really rather not leave them with family if I don't have to, but obviously that's an option. What kind of work opportunities will my wife have in Japan? She's still got student loans, so she needs work (has a BS in health/exercise science and retail management experience). On the car front...I know usually they'll ship one, but I'm just a lowly E3, still an option? I'm going to attempt to trade with anyone else in my class. If I was younger and not married, this would be the chance of a lifetime. Now though, I just want stability (LOL Y U join teh miltry??). So if that doesn't pan out and off to Japan I go, any advice? I have honestly always wanted to go to Japan, so this isn't the WORST thing in the world.
  10. Huh? My reader just worked when I plugged it in.
  11. Looking forward to vids! I finally got to drive an FRS a couple weeks ago and it was a hoot, even around base here lol. Someday I'll have to pick one of these up.
  12. Trade for my Jeep? I'll be in town on Monday, sounds good. DEAL DONE!
  13. Unless they have changed their policy since I was looking into it, you can trade in a cheap phone. When I was looking at it they would pay you for your phone, so if you traded in a new one you would get like $150 or so towards one of their phones. So if you had something newer on AT&T like a Samsung Galaxy S4 and they would give you less than what you would get on Swappa for it (at least $250, if not substantially more), then you could definitely come out better that way. Like I said, they may have changed it, but this is how it originally was.
  14. And, almost any phone. Is your current phone semi decent? Pick up an old crappy Android or Blackberry on ebay for cheap, and trade that it. Then sell your device on Swappa or something. Unless you can use it on tmobile, then you're set!
  15. Rocking a BlackBerry Q10, and I love it. I switched from my Galaxy S4 (which I still have, and still like). I just started getting fed up with how big the phone was. Plus if I didn't want to have to worry about the battery dying I had to use the extended one, which made it even bigger. This thing just goes and goes. Plus it runs Android apps. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but it's got fantastic build quality, and the keyboard is very satisfying to type with. Don't get me wrong, I still love Android. I just wish someone would come out with a flagship phone in the 4.3" screen range. All of the "mini's" have downgraded specs. Or if and Android OEM would come out with a phone with a form factor similar to a BlackBerry with a keyboard...Moto has really stepped up their game recently. A flagship spec Droid 5 would really get me interested.
  16. Man, Dayton REALLY needs some new uni's.
  17. I really do miss my old CRX Si. I bought that MF'er with 220k on the original engine. It was on it's like 3rd clutch, but original transmission and engine. It was literally falling apart, hole in the passenger floorboard and all. The owner told me "it really needs an oil change" when I bought it. Drove it another ~20k without changing the oil, driving around like an ass hat, bouncing it off the rev limiter, and then sold it to a buddy and he drove it for another ~40k. I think he did eventually change the oil. They just don't make em like they used to.
  18. Can confirm. Couple of butthurt Army dudes in class commented on how we (Air Force) and Marines are allowed to and they're not. Although I have to laugh any time I see a linguist with their sleeves rolled up. It also barely breaks 60* here in Monterey, so it's hardly necessary. Yet I've seen tons of Marine bro's with their sleeves up this week, just 'cause.
  19. Buddy of mine used to have one of these. It was surprisingly fun, GLWS.
  20. I've definitely got the minimums covered. Let me see if I can remember all this off the top of my head... -i5 2500k -8gb RAM -Nvidia 570 gtx sc So I'm sure I can run it, I just wanna be able to get a really good framerate. Also, I'd prefer to play with a controller (I know, I know...I just like it better), and I heard it's got auto aim/aim assist for people with controllers. Any input on that?
  21. Ugh I want to play this really bad. I'm not about to throw down $500 on an Xbox One, and I don't know if my PC is up to the task. Any one playing on medium-ish settings?
  22. Ahh, I'm sorry man. I don't really know of what all the lingo means in your update, but you and your wife are in my thoughts.
  23. CollegeFootball 24/7 is reporting a 4.39 on Twitter, so take that with a grain of salt. Gilbert 4.37 Gaines 4.38 Verrett 4.38 Roby 4.39
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