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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. We figured that out after your first 30 reposts in this thread.
  2. I saw LeBron on the Cavs....fuck that game.
  3. Bigbird


    Cool bro. Wanna go park on a race track and take pictures?
  4. Bigbird


  5. Thread is now about hot girls in halloween costumes http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_aGZwEIFiNOA/SpBaoAoV4ZI/AAAAAAAABdI/mpa6SBDlaaw/s400/bridget_marquardt_playboy_halloween1.jpg
  6. The comments are fucking LOLworthy. "oh em gee I bet it would only take 10k in a Civic to make it that fast. I bet a lambo is faster. Derp Derp Derp."
  7. +1 Always horrible news, you'll be in my thoughts man.
  8. Only the dead ones....kekekekekeke
  9. It doesn't change the fact that UC was garbage...
  10. Little update, the kid that backed into me has his court date tomorrow. Problem is he's 17 and because of this I apparently can't go down and talk to the prosecutor and give my side of the story/present my evidence. Any advice? They won't release any information about it since he's a minor. I'm gonna flip my shit if he goes down there and lies and someone buys his story and he gets off of this.
  11. Get a bike and do this, a car will never compare to the fun of back roads on 2 wheels
  12. I never said I wanted to call anyone out, or be called out, but all those threads were the most fun to read, those and getting to harass obnoxious kids (ie: jcroz). If either of my vehicles were in running condition then I would love to head to the track for some fun. But my car needs some serious work (its serving DD duty alright for now, but its not in race shape, especially against the BMW), and the bike just got backed over by a Jeep. Hate to make excuses, but there you go. I just wanna haze noobs
  13. I unfortunately don't have the fabled ms3, slicks, 200 shot combo to take myself into the world of Ricky Bobby. And admittedly I've neglected the car a bit in favor of the bike since I got it.
  14. Well I was stopped at a stop sign and the guy stopped in front of me (and this is actually what he told my gf's dad who had come to the scene)had stopped too close to the car in front if him and put it in reverse to back up a little. Just as he did that the car in front of him turned and he hit the gas forgetting he was in reverse. I struggled to keep the bike up for a second thinking he would stop once he hit me, but he didn't. So I let go of the bike and got out of the way. He got cited for unsafe backing I think it was, and since he's 17 he's gotta go to court. There's a little bit more to the story, but I don't want his insurance company to get all pissy with me for talking about it just yet.
  15. I'm not your buddy, amigo. Say whaaaaat? Yes, yes I was. The Ninja got raped by a Jeep
  16. I'm not your friend guy.
  17. Thanks for summing that up for me.
  18. Ok, now I know I don't post as much as I used to (he'll most of you are probably like who the hell is this fag anyway), mostly because going to school full time, working full time, and having a fairly busy personal life keep me occupied. But anyway, I just looked in the oven section for the first time in a long time (i stopped even going in there cause not being able to razz even the ricers just made it boring as fuck), and i didnt recognize a SINGLE name. Do noobs just not post at all once they get accepted to the sits anymore?? I mean, in my lurking I've seen a few new names posting a decent amount, but wtf gives? If people are just gonna sign up and not get over 25 posts in the course of a few years, that's just a waste of e-space. I saw let the hazing return! Without callouts happening regularly anymore (and I'm not complaining about that, you guys that run the site have gotta watch your backs), that was the most fun part of the site! It kept the useless people that would never post, and the douche canoes off the site. Let us have our fun!....eh maybe I'm just bored at work and butthurt about LeBron.
  19. I'm 98% sure I've seen that hobo on another video somewhere.
  20. Bigbird

    the heat is on

    Shit he said that back at the beginning of his career. Fact is he couldn't get it done on his own. So he's taking less direct money in hopes that other people can help lift him over the bar and he can make up for said lost money in endorsements and shit when the other guys win the title for him.
  21. You guys better watch your mouths...dudes a fuggin cage fighter!
  22. Lol thanks. Also I still haven't heard from the other insurance company. I'm sure it's probably just because of the holiday weekend, but I'm going to call them tomorrow and make sure they get the ball rolling. If it does end up being totalled, I want to know sooner rather than later.
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