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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Someone quote me so this dumbass can see it. Go back to school you uneducated fuck. You must be retarded if you can't read more than a couple of sentences. I mean you're already my bitch and do what I say. A little learning my do your simple ass some good.
  2. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Again, you fail...miserably. You're the bitch, you're the back peddler, you're the ricer douche, you're the one that repeatedly gets shot the fuck down, you're the one that can't form a coherent argument, because I own you with facts every time. You're the one that apparently thinks sucking on tits is gay, or pussy, or some shit. I mean hey, you like cock. That's your business, but don't confuse sucking on some big luscious funbags with your special blend of faggotry. I like that I was able to get so far in your thick skull that I made you go do homework about me. The only reason I looked at your intro thread was because I couldn't remember who the hell your loser ass was, I then remembered that you got banned for being a twat. Notice I didn't go look that shit up, because you're my bitch, not the other way around. It's also funny that the post that got this whole shit storm started in the first place was the one where you were bitching about how CR should be called columbusNOTracing.com, which allow me to remind you that you backpedalled like a little bitch from....yet now you've got a perfect opportunity to race, and yet you're doing what? That's right, bitching out. I make no indications that I have a desire to race anyone, true. But I also don't come here and bitch about how the site should be renamed because of lack of racing, again...sticking to my guns. Go fail some more.
  3. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    I hit a guy that sent his girlfriend to the hospital? You're right, shame on me for being such a pussy. Sorry I didn't say shit about jcroz, before hand. I do have a life you know, so I'm not on a message board posting useless shit all day long like you are. I had seen him act like a jackass on two message boards, and on Facebook to my good friends sister, so I said he was a fucktard, again you go assuming shit that isn't the entire story...dumbass. I like Shantons car, I've seen it progress over the years, to all the way back on dubohio. I've met Shanton in person and wanted to give him props on his car that he was selling. I also associate cars with people. Every time I see a silver 350z I think, hey there goes that dumbass ricer, wonder what kinda Paul Walker moves he's gonna pull in traffic today? I also know Ryan (88lx50, or whatever his SN is on here. Hoblick on OR). He bought my first bike from me, and mounted and balanced the tires on my Ninja. He WRECKED at a track day. I was glad to see that he was alright and had gotten back up on the horse and back out on the track. Any sport bike rider dreams of being able to do track days, something you obviously don't get. Try again douche canoe. And I like sucking my girlfriends big perk tits, straighten my hair and call me Adam Lambert, I must be a fag. Sorry I don't enjoy a nice big cock like you do. Try again, William.
  4. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Duur, I know lol. I was simply referring to the fact that he's ignoring my ownage of him, probably because he can't glue together a sentence that actually makes sense or is grounded in fact.
  5. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Are you still being a bitch and ignoring the fact that you fail miserably in trying to talk shit to me? Yep, sure are.
  6. There's a much more important mod I see waiting to be done before getting rid of the halos....
  7. It's not the kits, it's the Kelvin rating he bought. 10,000 Kelvin is straight BLUE, very ricer blue in fact. Not only that but in the rain, you can't see shit. I can attest to this as I had 10,000K HID's on my Spec-V.
  8. Hope you don't plan on driving the car in the rain.
  9. I hate the whole stretched out tire, parking on race tracks, slammed to the concrete, hellaflush shit...but damn if that isn't a nice old school ride. Lookin good.
  10. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Hahahaha oh I miss OR. My bike got totalled by a 17 year old in a Jeep. I miss riding a lot, but I think I'll just save up till I can pay cash for something bigger that's better suited for two-up riding. Brandon, how could I not? What with your fly Michael Jackson moves.
  11. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Again, avoiding everything I just said. You fail, miserably. If you cant even be in the shit talking section of this website without getting butthurt worse than Justin Beiber at a gay bar, then maybe you've got bigger issues than I thought.
  12. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    HAHAHAHA you're so beyond butthurt its ridiculous, its amazing that I can get a 30 year old man so upset over a message board. Again, tell me who I'm nutswinging from. You can't, because I don't. The only thing you could call nutswinging is in the thread where Sam posted the video of him racing the Evo and I said "Call me a nutswinger, but that BMW moves out". That's IT, and I even acknowledged the fanboyism in that post, but that's the ONLY thing I've ever said about that car. So again, please tell me who's nuts I'm swinging from. Also point out where I just follow the herd and agree with popular opinion. Again, you can't because you can't come up with a legitimate insult. Even if I do happen to agree with people, I stand by my opinion and dont back pedal like a little bitch like some people. HA, bitch made faggot? Look in the mirror BRUH. And as far as my cars? You're even more of an idiot than I thought you were. I've had 3 F-bodies, all Camaros. One V6, one built 383, and my SS. I've loved Camaros since I was a little kid. Fail number 1 in that argument. My Nissan? I actually bought that before Keith had one, fail number 2. And my Acura? Fuck dude I didn't even know anyone with an RSX when I bought mine. Fail number 3 and you're fucking out Mr. E-thug.
  13. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Since you were apparently too fucking retarded to answer it the first time you ricer dipshit.
  14. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Hahahaha dammit Paul, you actully made a funny...ass lol.
  15. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Exactly who's nuts am I swinging from? Please inform me.
  16. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Right, so stating facts is being a bitch? If you didn't want people know you had another account that got banned, maybe you shouldn't have acted like a jackass in the first place. You were cool in person, and I said I wasn't calling for your head (aka getting you banned, if you're too dense to pick that up). But for someone that was crying about how everyone on here were a bunch of bitches and you didn't want anything to do with them anyway, you sure have tucked your tail between your legs....much like you seem to have done in a number of posts lately. All I said is that you post pointless shit, and that you lied when you signed up here again. Good job getting your old account back, I didn't know a grown ass man would wet himself with joy over a message board account.
  17. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Pretty much this and your post whoring (in response to your PM), oh and then there's this, your intro thread.... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78243 This is just a blatant lie, your other SN (Ogeretla) got banned for pissing people off left and right. I'm not calling for your head here dude, I didn't even see your new intro thread till now (cause I stay out of the oven so that I don't have a fucking brain meltdown from all the retards that make shitty intro threads), I've just seen a bunch of seemingly pointless posts that make me scratch my head and go "wtf?".
  18. Bigbird

    Z faggot

    Best post you've ever made. I guess its kinda like when you see someone and you just don't like their face. I come on here and see this noob post whoring left and right, and just something about the posts rub me the wrong way. I'm just glad I'm not the only one that's noticed the faggotry.
  19. Tyler, at least you have the choice of whether or not to get rid of it, the kid that backed into me didn't allow me that luxury hahaha.
  20. Are these the original races with the Evo, or the rematches after he was saying he hung with you guys? And call me a nutswinger, but damn that Bimmer moves out.
  21. Not trying to be a smartass, but if this is the case then why can't we have the kill stories section any more? Was it because all of the shit talking lead to races being setup in those threads? Honest question.
  22. I still remember the kill stories section
  23. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:GOpQ4HwYWW1sfM:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v227/brussell328/unamused/notsohappyface_anim.gif&t=1
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