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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Yes, yes, and yes...kind of. There isn't a foot peg on the right side, so that's kind of a pain. Also I'm worried about riding it to a dealership for fear of them saying I potentially screwed something up riding it after the accident and refusing to pay for something. I suppose I could get it towed and then get their insurance company to repay me for that. I figured the total would end up being quite a bit with all the fairing damage.
  2. Mostly cosmetic damage, but I guess there could theoretically be some mechanical issues. I rode it back around the block to my girlfriends afterwards. As things start to pan out I'll post up pictures of the damage. Like I said I don't want to do or say anything that will piss off the other insurance company. I guess the quick rundown is that the front fairing will definitely need replaced as its completely cracked in multiple places, the left headlight might need replaced, the crank case is scratched/gashed, right footpeg is broken off and the brake pedal is bent in, scratches all over both side fairings, the right handlebar was dragged across the ground, so I don't know if its bent or anything, and probably more stuff I'm forgetting.
  3. Haha ok good, thought so. So does anyone have any suggestions?
  4. Oh I'm going to, but don't I have the right to choose the shop?
  5. I don't want to go too much into it as this just happened yesterday and I don't want the insurance company of the other guy getting all fussy. I'm ok, was able to bail before getting pinned under the bike. The bike however has a bit of cosmetic damage. I believe it's ok mechanically, but I guess the forks could be kinda jacked up, or it could need aligned or whatever. As far as all of this goes right now I just need some recommendations on shops to get my baby fixed at. I won't be getting it fixed for a while as I've got to go to court because the driver of the car was cited and is under 17, and I'm almost positive they're going to dispute.
  6. Mine's already supposed to be here, but now I'm hearing they're delayed again till the end of July. If that's the case with mine I'm cancelling my order and getting the Droid X.
  7. Looks like you got over that little spill you took :thumbup: I'm so jealous though haha, that's gotta be beyond a blast.
  8. Don't ride around holding your engine at 10k rpms, not wearing gear, popping wheelies left and right. Squids are basically the ricers of the motorcycle world. Motorcycles are amazing fun in straight lines and corners. Nothing beats leaning off scaring the shit out of yourself thinking you're gonna scrape a footpeg or knee on an on ramp haha.
  9. Phil, do it. Just don't be a typical Gixxer squid. I love mine and despise driving my car now.
  10. http://www.psp-news.org/users/2212/64/88/62/album/virtua10.jpg /thread.
  11. Fixed. And it's banned because ninjas don't die.
  12. Bigbird

    Harley Rant

    Linn isn't on here is he? They probably have no idea what you're talking about.
  13. My excitement for this has definitely faded. Just saw an article saying that only 200 of the total 1000 cars will have interior cockpit views and take advantage of the damage modelling...kind of a let down if you ask me. I mean seriously, only 1/5 of the cars will take full advantage of the game? I'm on my shitberry at work, but I'll find the article when I get home if someone else doesn't post it.
  14. The fucking STIG!?!?!??! Fuck me sideways and call me Hamster. This alone makes me glad I bought a PS3. Some of the shots (namely the STI vs. EVO, and Ferrari F430 on the Top Gear Test Track) looked damn near real.
  15. http://oscommerce.rosaceans.com/catalog/images/proactive_trial.jpg
  16. She's probably got a British accent...definitely hot.
  17. Well true. Let me rephrase...if I was a D1 caliber football recruit and had the opportunity to go to my dream school (for me it would be OSU), and I would be getting penalized for what a student did when I didn't even go there...yeah I would be pissed. Regardless of if I was a top recruit and could go somewhere else or not.
  18. C'mon now...at least it isn't as bad as this...
  19. Yessir, I have it on DVD. Picked it up at Best Buy a few years ago. Not horrible actually.
  20. I'm going to have to agree with this. I mean, if I was a 5 star football recruit I would be dead set on going to OSU, it would be my dream. If I was denied that, or at least denied a bowl game because of what someone did years BEFORE I got there, I would be kind of pissed. Also take into consideration the fact that the benefits Bush received didn't benefit him ON the field.
  21. She looks like a dude, I don't like it.
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