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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Don't get your tutu in a bunch, Brian Boitano.
  2. Anyone have note insight into this? Thread on 11W doesn't say anything other than one random dude saying it started on OZone, and that site is stuck in 1998 so I couldn't find anything over there.
  3. Son of a bitch... http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2015/10/62430/sources-ohio-state-quarterback-jt-barrett-arrested-for-ovi-early-saturday-morning
  4. YOU DON'T KNOW ME, BRO! Okay, maybe you're right...
  5. Was the little shit driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee? Same shit happened to me back in 2010 with my bike. We were stopped at a stop sign and this dumbass had pulled up too close to the person in front of him so he put it in reverse to back up a bit. That person pulled away from the stop sign, so Jeep kid thought "Oh I'll just go now, too." and didn't put the damn thing back in drive. Plowed right into and then over my bike. He got out saying he was sorry and all that. I was a little banged up and rattled so I just sat down on the sidewalk and tried to calm down. Called the wife (then GF) and her dad as they lived right around the block. They came and he told them everything I said above. Then his dad shows up and when he talks to the cop the story changes to me having run into him. I just pointed at the gashes in the concrete that clearly showed my bike had been dragged backwards and said "Explain to me how that happens if I had ran into him." That little fucks dad was a huge asshole. They tried to fight it in court too. Way to teach your kid how to be a good person.
  6. Hi. I would very much liek to get my windows tined. But I am in Worshington DC. Plese advice.
  7. Hahahaha Brutus clowning with the cannon dudes!
  8. The cannon was worth letting them score.
  9. Just got to work and turned over the TV we have. Saw that and just :lolguy:
  10. I'm really excited for it. It's unfortunate that George Lucas was both the best and worst thing to ever happen to the series. This one looks like a major improvement, though. I mean...ACTUAL SETS! Not just green-screen!
  11. THIS...is what really worries me. After watching that BTN Elite show covering the championship run, they made it seem like Cardale was still struggling with maturity last year. I think a big reason he's not doing as well now, is that until this year he didn't take the game seriously. JT can read a defense, he can be a coach on the field. Cardale can run some plays. It's a huge difference. If JT goes down, now that we've seen how Cardale plays in a bigger sample set, I'm definitely worried. It really sucks for the kid, too. He could have gone down as one of the most legendary figures in Ohio State history. Not highly recruited kid from Cleveland, fights through Twitter issues, depth chart, all that. Comes in and wins the team he grew up loving a national championship. But now?
  12. Baylor near to passing us in the AP poll. I know we haven't played a murderer's row, but who have they played?
  13. A lot of Ohio State fans will tell you Penn State isn't a rival, and that's fine. But my hatred for them is matched only by TTUN. I'm so ecstatic that JT is back to his old self, and that he made it happen against those fucking kiddie diddlers.
  14. That was so perfectly TTUN. I was jumping around the living room like a child.
  15. And Harbaugh wears cleats...what a chode.
  16. I thought you were kidding. http://www.elevenwarriors.com/sites/default/files/styles/904x490/public/c/2015/10/61679_h.jpg,qitok=rcoPhh67.pagespeed.ce.VIj3OsnlC0.jpg http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2015/10/61679/photo-the-helmet-stickers-ohio-state-will-wear-on-black-saturday-against-penn-state
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