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Status Updates posted by granda080

  1. Crazy Horse is a great movie

  2. Did something happen that I don't know about...in regards to my picture you commented on?

  3. Do you have an MGB-GT? My dad has an MGC. I've always liked the B-GT.

  4. Don hows the Piaggio treating ya lol? Seriously though, did you get all the work done you were trying to?

  5. Good meeting you today at the street fair!

  6. Hello fellow Fizz rider!

  7. Hey man, I just wanted to introduce myself to you... so hello. I read you put together a good ride this morning. Congrats!

  8. Hey man, long time. How are things?

  9. Hey man, sorry I missed your call the other day. I was in a medicine high. I have an absessed tooth, and was on pain killers.

  10. Hope you've gotten out and taken a few rides this year! If you want to ride some time let me know.

  11. I have a weird question. Do you work at Perkins? In Wheeling or somewhere around there?

  12. I think I spied you... check my random pics in album. Petsmart?

  13. Is you're track bike painted like a browns helmet?...if so, that's totally awesome

  14. It seems like people have put their bikes away for the season doesn't it?

  15. It was good to finally meet you. That's a fun route you have. I'm definitely in for more rides in the future.

  16. It was great meeting and riding with you!

  17. It's an Isuzu i-370, which is literally the exact same thing as a Colorado. Made in the same factory in Shreveport, LA, even has a GM VIN. It confuses the shit out of people, and really pisses of Chevy dealerships because they are responsible for carrying out warranty work.

  18. Its the old bike with new paint. I love it! We need to get together and go for a ride. I'd like to venture down your way to ride some of your roads.

  19. John it was good to ride with you last weekend. We will have to do it again. Next time we'll have to find a good route before going.

  20. LOL, I'm glad to see my crappy photography being used as a background

  21. No, we haven't spoken about this before. My parents moved to Norwalk about 5 years ago.

  22. So you were right... after riding the Gap this week, my Contimotions now have a blue streak where my chicken strips are. I thought I ordered bbq with them, apparently I got blue cheese.

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