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Everything posted by granda080

  1. If you can manage your bike to accompany this, most bikes do, here is a really clever idea that works well: Black Diamond "D" carabiner (for rock climbing) is easy to fit in the trunk and once you put it through the helmet's D-rings, clip it over the top frame rail (between the tank and seat mount bolt (swing the latch straight down)) and re-install the seat, it is impossible to remove! The helmet hangs down the side of the bike. Cost - about $6. You can put one on either side for two helmets. I don't have to use this but I know lots of people that do.
  2. Any time I get the red and blue lights behind me I always pull quickly into a field and start shouting, "Bee's, giant killer bee's" while flailing about. While I agree that eye protection is necessary. I think it is a bit of a stretch to pull someone over who has on their helmet and is wearing glasses, just to check their glasses out. That seems a bit nit picky to me, some where along the lines as a police officer seeing you have on your safety belt, but pulling you over to make sure that it has been properly installed in the car.
  3. What I have is this: Model: LA-76 1/8 HP 2.2-4.0 AMP 115 Volt-AC-Cycles 50/60 N.P. 134142 Louisville, KY
  4. I tried that site, but the unit does not have serial number. It only has one sticker type thing on the back and it only contains the model number, hp, voltage, and manufacturing location (Kentucky).
  5. So my father-in-law gave us this fridge...my wife has always loved it. It works but not very well. It seems to run smooth and it will get cool, just not cold. Does anyone out there have any knowledge on these old fridges? I don't really want to get raped by having a company come out and look at it. I just sorta want to know what it would cost to get fixed. I'd rather pay someone from here is all. It is a GE model LA-76 (I can't find any information on this) Thanks
  6. granda080


    From the album: Random

  7. granda080


    From the album: Random

  8. Hmm, thanks for that input. This is definitely me being picky. I was just interested if weather could have had a role is all.
  9. Do you have an MGB-GT? My dad has an MGC. I've always liked the B-GT.

  10. LOL, did you ever change the sprocket in your FZ? I did a -1 on the front and it really helped, which is why I wondered about the weather possibly. It felt like it did before with the stock sprocket on it. I'd love a Duc. Congrats on your upgrade by the way!
  11. I never really noticed an issue with it before either...maybe I just need a new air filter.
  12. I honestly don't have a preferred type of road. People are bad drivers on the highway and on the back roads. I have the same high level of awareness no matter where I am. That said, to me highways are for getting to a destination quickly and back roads are for cruising about...and then there are the twisties and they are a whole other beast.
  13. Where do you notice it being short on power Dustin?
  14. LOL, I have to do with with my stupid Blackberry every few days for it to work. You can add me to the "yuppy bastards" list as well...I have to carry two phones. My BB is my personal and my work is an iPhone. Me + 2 phones = Lame
  15. So Oldschool and I went for a little ride Monday evening and all was well and good. Until at one of the stop lights my biked decided to stop and eat a shit sandwich. It was bogging down during acceleration around 7K. The engine temp was slightly higher than usual, but nothing too crazy. Anyway, we stopped and waited a bit and let the fan run until it clicked itself off. Got back on the road and it was fine. My thought was it had to be the weather effecting it. Has anyone else experienced this before?
  16. RIP. Good luck on the rebuild, it's looking good.
  17. **EDIT** **After returning from this trip, I wouldn't waste the money to buy this product. I spend more time fiddling with it than what it's worth IMO.** So I have a long highway trip coming up and I wanted a way to give my right hand a break lol. I really wanted a Throttlemeister, but I don't think that I would get 120.00 dollars of use out of it. I remembered a link that I had seen on my FZ6 forum about a $20.00 product. I eventually found it. It is called a Go Cruise Throttle Control. I got in this week and have had a couple of opportunities to use it already. Basically it is this piece of plastic that applies pressure around the throttle. It comes with this silicon ring that you put on the handle first . Once it is on it is a matter of setting the throttle and pushing the Go Cruise down until it rests on top of the brake . That's pretty much it as far as setting it...but it doesn't really work at that point. You then get to mess with it a little bit, as it will slip a bit. After a few seconds though it sets. The term "throttle control" is absolutely correct. It keeps the throttle in the same spot so going down hill it speeds up. Uphill, you guessed it, it slows down. Big gusts of a head wind and your speed will drop. In all these scenarios though, when the conditions return to flat it will end up at the speed you were aiming at. I've never had the chance to use a Throttlemeister so I'm not sure how it compares...I'm sure not as well, however for 20 bucks it and for as little as I will use this it seems like a good deal.
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