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Everything posted by granda080

  1. Dumb. I had someone at work actually get mad at me for saying, "Speak of the Devil". Flipped out saying that isn't appropriate to say to a Christian...speechless.
  2. Did something happen that I don't know about...in regards to my picture you commented on?

  3. Cool. Thanks. Just let me know. School is out, so I shouldn't have any problems with scheduling.
  4. If your riding down and camping, any chance I can meet up and go down with you? If so count me in 100%
  5. Anyone notice that it isn't the same bike in all the pics? Weird
  6. Whenever Brooke figures out how to take care of a 17 month old and a 2 week old on her own lol. I guess we could take Hudson. Maybe in the next few weeks.
  7. Is anyone planning on camping? I'm not opposed to getting a room, but I like camping.
  8. Right, I know they are a big name in dirt. I'll have to just go to IP and check one out.
  9. For street riding? I was browsing helmets on IP and saw this http://www.ironpony.com/ironponydirect/product.asp/ImageName/ONEAL-10-HLMT-TIRADE-WHITE.jpg/Brand/ONEAL/Class2/Helmets/Class3/Full%20Face%20Helmets/Class1/STREET%20PRODUCTS and since I'm a tech happy person I thought I'd ask. I know I shouldn't let a toy aspect sway me, especially concerning my head, but I figured I'd ask. Anyone have this helmet, or know someone that does? Cheers,
  10. I am interested in this. I would probably ride down, and would probably need to split a room. Anyone from the Dayton area making this?
  11. I'm a member on the FZ6 forum and it has an IM feature to talk to posters privately. It's a really nice option.
  12. Good Lord that is hilarious. Again, I love OR. LOL
  13. Agree but disagree on this one. Sucks to dump a bunch of money into training someone. This says about 60K (rounded up). However, I think it's a dumb policy. IQ has little to do with interest in career decisions and likeliness to stay in a job IMO. There are tons of highly intelligent people that stay in dead end jobs, and or have a passion for what they do.
  14. This ought to be submitted for the calendar. Nice pic!
  15. Wish I had the $ for these. GLWS
  16. While I agree with 99% of what you said here, I don't necessarily agree with your last statement. I think that is where loyalty to your customer base comes into play. Price gouging isn't a good business practice, for this exact reason. People don't like to over pay on MSRP from businesses; from a private seller on a hard to get item, sure, but not a business. IMHO when a business goes over MSRP it becomes viewed as greed. When an individual wants twice the price for a Furbie it's far more acceptable.
  17. Interesting, I guess those people better start installing egg timers on their bikes to count down the 120 minutes.
  18. I don't, it's been a good ten years as my dad's friend is out now.
  19. I'll just help them load my shit into their truck. I wouldn't want to be inhospitable
  20. I think it's all about the judge one ends up in front of and the quality of the lawyer on the other side of the room. IMO it's dumb. I can potentially shoot someone for breaking into my house, which is my property. Yet, if I shoot someone for breaking into my garage/barn/daughter's chastity belt/car I'm going to jail.
  21. One of my dad's friends had two guys break into his barn several years ago. The barn owner shot one guy, killing him, and the other guy ran off. My dad's friend spent seven years in jail for voluntary manslaughter. Right or wrong, that was the outcome.
  22. Out of curiosity I called a realtor about a house I drive by every day. It is a foreclosure. The realtor said that most all foreclosure properties have a zero amenities. Meaning they will not fix or lower the price, basically an "As-Is" sale.
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