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Posts posted by granda080

  1. I'm not going to flame on you for your view, I realize that some people will use resources to better themselves. Unfortunately, because the government does provide so much, it also allows apathetic people to do nothing and still survive in which there's no motivation for betterment, especially if their okay with living in section 8 housing, with welfare, medicaid, etc etc. I also work "around" impoverished children and families everyday, and I see them spend their government money on 40 oz and cigarillos. So perspective is everything.

    Oh I totally agree, there are people out there that abuse the system. The parents who buy Jordans for their kids, but use food stamps and don't work... how the hell do they get Jordans??? The system is definitely broken. I just think it becomes a difficult balancing act. Some people do truly need the assistance, and some people are just a-holes and abuse the system. We need to do a better job enforcing the regulations and requirements of the government programs. As a side note, I also think we need to move in the direction that Florida did when it comes to only paying for one child on government support. Low socio-ecomonic status need to stop procreating!!!

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  2. I think that this program has some pros and cons. As a teacher, I think it is necessary that we have a way to contact parents of our students. The school district that I work for has roughly 90% on the free and reduced lunch program. I bring this up because, it is a qualifying program, but also because it shows how little income some people have. We all should have some responsibility in supporting the children that are part of generational poverty. Without any resources, people have no way to improve their lives, let alone survive.

    I'm sure I'll get drilled over this, but I work with impoverished children and families everyday. Just my two cents.

  3. Cincy.

    and yeah, I've heard the other roads around the gap are awesome. one day... one day...

    FYI Dave, if you ever go onto the FZ6 forum they often plan trips to the Gap. I've never been either. To me the Gap seems like one of those things that so many people talk about that if you don't go, you've missed out. Good or bad, we live and learn through our experiences.

  4. It might take your brain to understand what happens when you go to college... there are girls everywhere, any type you like. Most importantly there are usually girls that will like you too. Avoid women with children like the plague, no offense to single moms I've got much respect, but no young man should have to deal with all that craziness.

  5. I usually don't reply to these, but I can see that you're trying here.

    A few questions (because I don't know you):

    Do you have a job and what is it?

    I know you're young, are you going to college?

    If you've answered yes to either of these questions, particularly the last one, you will should have a pool of ladies to work with.

  6. Hey guys,

    I'm getting married today! I know that may not be the most popular choice on the board, but hey I love her. After the Sunday ride two weeks ago with everyone, Brooke decided that she would get gear so that we could go on more rides with everyone.

    I just wanted to share the news!


  7. Oh, well, I imagine I'll be a beginner for a while...maybe...it's so pretty though....hula flowers would be cute too...I want to be able to buy it already pretty seeing as how I don't have it in my budget for a custom job yet

    I've seen one guy who has an FZ6-R on this forum... but, of course, I can't remember his name. Sorry. I'm sure that someone knows who it is.

  8. no i thought it was the r6..its not..colors made for the women for sure

    Agreed...the pink is for girls. I've seen that bike come with pretty little hula flowers as well. The FZ6-R is aimed at entry level bikers. From what I've heard people like it, but it might be something that you'll out grow quickly as your riding skills increase. Good size though for beginners and less physically capable i.e. strength.

  9. LMAO! :lol: That sharp, steep, hill is INSANE. I've gotten use to it though since I've ridden it since '04. There's still times though that I push it too much and realize I shouldn't have because AIR is a big pucker factor for sure man. :lol:

    Yeah, that was extra fun 2-up. I thought Brooke was going to kill me. Turns out that was "fun" WTF!?!

  10. I have a helmet she can use/have until she finds one she wants to invest in. It's a full face green black and silver. But I'd rather she have something on her pretty head. :pAnd what size shoes does she wear...?

    I appreciate the offer with the helmet, but she has one. She wears a 6 1/2 in shoes. I wouldn't let her get on the bike without a helmet, but she was adamant that she didn't want any other gear... that was until she went for a fun little ride in the twisties. She decided that gear is necessary.

    PM me about shoes... if you're close in size maybe I can buy them off you for her.

  11. ^^^^Those cyclist were annoying!^^^^ I don't know who were worse them or the cop that wouldn't let us through. All in all, we had a really good time. It was good meeting all of you. I'll definitely be on more rides. My fiance, Brooke, I thought did really well. On our way home we stopped to eat and she said I needed to buy her gear :) I thought she'd always want to be a squid.

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