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Posts posted by granda080

  1. I've had both...ATT is superior in everyway, except one. That one being that if you have multiple televisions you may block yourself out. I have 3 HD televisions, and can only use 2 in HD, the other must be in standard. The internet is solid. I don't have the phone option...house phones are lame. All in all, it may be a bit more expensive, but I have never been happier with a "cable" provider. Also TW does not support HDMI...ATT does. Again superior in every way, so long as you arent a crazy like me and have multiple HD tvs.

  2. The joke is the TV station switching off the Titans/Patriots game after Brady's historic 2nd quarter where he threw for 5 TDs... "Well, this hasn't happened for nearly 60 years! This historic game ties records that have stood since 1950. But because the outcome is pretty obvious we're gonna take you to a different game."

    Hey, numbnuts, some of us wanted to watch that historic game... :mad:

    I agree...WTF? Could have watched that entire game and still caught the end of the J-E-T-S game...

  3. I might have to check out Diary of the Dead. I love zomie flicks, flicks about zombies more so than flicks by zombie of the Rob variety. I love the most recent Dawn of the Dead. I also really liked 28 Days later.

    Nick you're right, there is something fantastic and classic about knowing the scary dude is out there and some crazy loudening music to get the heart going. I think my favorite example of that was The Amityville Horror, and the blinking red lights and crazy eeking sound. Hilariously great!

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