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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Why is everyone staring at the dude on the right?


    He must have said something right before the shot, IDK

    That is Tank, the admin for RideOhio.org can't imagine why he has that nickname. :)

  2. Awesome! Seem like to much motor though.
  3. Drool! lets see, punched 1 over, flycut pistons, two stroke power band a couple of not needed parts removed, say 90HP at 300 lbs. Yep, it would run with the 600's until the twisties, then it would run in front of them, then it would run away from them. Two stokes are awesome, just not importable, sigh...
  4. I did notice more Harleys and Wings there, more cruisers in general at RideOhio. Didn't notice the political leanings of the group. Too busy trying to remember names and faces. Also noticed that the RO guys seem to mostly be from the northern smaller towns. OR guys seem to be from the cities. Perhaps that would explain the Cruiser vs Sport bike ratios. Just a thought.
  5. Sara, It will make your life easier if you get an html editor program. There is a learning curve but well worth it if you have to do a lot of it for your class. Here is a good one for free, thats what makes it good, free! http://www.evrsoft.com/
  6. The pics should be fixed now. Good talking to you and Jess. She seems like a trooper, riding an hour and a half just to go for a ride. I got about 400 miles in this weekend, a sore butt, Heat exhaustion, grasshoppers big a cows bouncing off me, a bee in my helmet at the dam, the real serious smell of cows (wow!!) and even some practice riding on gravel roads. (they suck) It was a good weekend!
  7. Surprised me that there were people from both boards at the event. Not sure why this surprised me, guess I figured everybody would be doing the cochocton ride. I didn't know who you were till you were gone. magley64 said you were the guy that just left! Next time!
  8. Strictly Street


    Camping with the RideOhio.org Crew.
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