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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. I can't believe this thread is still going and going! Boom Boom Bunny got nothin' on this thread!
  2. Wrong jacket, wrong helmet, not Djisle. Same bike at a first/fast look, but different rider.
  3. Almost every major city in the U.S. boasts at least one moped gang, and the names straddle being badass and ironic: Creatures of the Loin (San Francisco), Puddle Cutters (Portland, Oregon), the Tom Cruisers (Tempe, Arizona), Latebirds (Los Angeles), Landsquids (Sacramento, California), Decepticons (Kalamazoo, Michican), Hells Satans (Richmond, Virginia) and more. The Oprhans are Brooklyn’s fearsome two-stroke contingent (pictured above), and they’re obsessed with the abandoned pedal-start bikes. More here: http://www.wired.com/rawfile/2009/08/moped/ You saw it here first!
  4. Pic to name, what a concept!

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-mdoambAQQ&feature=player_embedded More stuff here: http://www.mrfae.org/awareness.php
  6. I wonder if the AMA, ABATE, and others don't already have a slew of PSA ads. Perhaps we could get an ad that is already set up for radio airplay? Just a thought, that and a click or two, I found this at the AMA site: Public Service Announcements View or download The Distracted Driver video PSA Watch for Bikes (MP3, 252k) Ride Straight (MP3, 264k) Sound Advice (MP3, 260k) More audio, video and print PSAs at www.ridestraight.org Guidelines Using material from this site
  7. Just had my roomie yell at me about "those damn bikers", some squid cut her off, she was in a truck. In her mind at the time all bikes were as one, so it was my fault she got cut off. Perhaps that might be some nice reverse psychology. Getting the cagers empathy and pointing out that not all bikers are squids. Kinda like playing pediddle (find the car with only one headlight) when you were a kid on a long trip.
  8. Radio and TV stations are required by Federal law to run some amount of "Public Service Announcements" (PSA) These are things like, wear your seatbelt, have your pets neutered, don't eat the yellow snow and any other thing they can get out there that can be even vaguely construed as "In The Public Interest". They really don't seem to care what the content is but they do like pre-packaged 15, 30 sec announcements. If we could make something like this and get it into the distribution channel with say "Clear Channel" it could go nation wide. Awesome!
  9. Other than I like the idea, I don't have a feel for which media would be best. I'm sure they all have an up and a down side. I'll throw radio and TV ads into the mix. Being a PSA might get that cost down a bit and some free airtime? Maybe do an ad for national distribution... FCC rules might be on our side for this one.
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