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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Saw it, the basic plot has been pulled together in the first two episodes. He's got the police info network, the secret hide out and the network of cronies/informants and the reason for revenge. Almost sounds like a Steven Seagal movie but the chick is hotter. We'll see how it goes. The writers have a lot of pitfalls to avoid if this is going to be a winner.
  2. Aside from the fact that you clearly have a problem with Sarah Palin who as best I can figure stands for everything you hate. What I was referring to was who the shooter was. Were they in fact influenced, motivated by, or even hired by Palin? The crass comment is directed at you going all political before the bodies are even cold. A 9 year old is dead and your going off about political web sites. That's cold. Prayers for the families of the wounded and fallen.
  3. I kinda think she took it down because of talk like yours. I'll wait for the facts before jumping to conclusions.
  4. Such a crass comment. Would you feel better if it was Republicans? Would that make it "OK"?
  5. Greetings, for your first bike, old skool, that's the ticket! Why pay more? Got a wrench, cash in on somebody else's lack of same. You can find older bikes everywhere with really low miles and more importantly low $$ Good gear cost's money don't skimp on that. Better a cheaper bike than trash gear.
  6. So you got cool new bike for this spring? Excellent!

    What did you do with the old one?

  7. From http://pistol-training.com/ "50,000 rounds in just over eight months If you’re like me, you’ve been following the HK45 endurance test over at Pistol-Training.com. The test finally concluded at 50,000 rounds and I was honored to fire the 50,000th round through the gun that I helped bring into existence. As expected, the gun passed the test with flying colors and amazingly experienced only a couple of minor problems… all while going 10,000 rounds between cleanings!" The testing link is here: http://pistol-training.com/archives/4027 A very impressive handgun. 10,000 rounds between cleanings! Amazing that it even works at all after that.
  8. He should have gotten out years ago. 5.6 years is tough to cover on a resume. He could always claim he was in jail.
  9. Congrats, so how soon until short.ohio.riders.com starts to use rep?
  10. What a set up, if you don't read the part about slaves then you are racist, if you do read the part about slaves that proves it! Of course that fact that it has been amended doesn't seem to count because it was written so long ago it doesn't mean anything anymore. I'd kinda like to see the govt get down to the peoples business instead of this showboating and grandstanding that seems all to common. It's pretty sad when this passes for real news.
  11. Watch out for all the noobs making the scene on their new bikes too.
  12. I'm going to shine my shoes, get a haircut, stand up straight and get a job. Not necessarily in that order, just sayin' EDIT: What the hell am I doing up at this hour on this day???
  13. We are all with you in spirit, yes you are lame. But we all like you better for being first and saving us the pain of doing the same.
  14. Every bar in town is trying to get business and offering a "Bike Night" to do it. Posting up a few signs and saying you have one isn't going to cut it. Bars make money selling drinks, bikers crash bikes after drinks. This is a problem. I've heard many a bar owner complain that the bikers just have a beer or two and leave. Food might be a draw, but again the bar has to make a buck or it just isn't worth it. BW&R had a good turn out for bike night but it was more of a band+menu specials+bike friendly event. .99 cent wings was good. Free bands was good. But most of all it was seeing people from the board and sharing the good time. Build a community and the rest will follow. Good luck!
  15. I got mine done for under $25 in one day. This poor guy looks like he is making a lifelong project out of it. He doesn't even have the excuse of working on an broken antique. His worked before he "improved" it.
  16. http://www.amazon.com/Two-Brothers-Racing-1989-2007-005-1590406D/dp/B000WKC0Y2 http://www.indysuperbike.com/customer/product.php?productid=8446 Apparently the answer is $300 and up for a full exhaust.
  17. I had a walk in the park next to this guy. All I needed was a baffle. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=65526&highlight=awsome+baffle I did notice that when he was done the weight was about the same, he should have left it alone.
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