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Everything posted by Hutch

  1. I'll try to be there at kfc, I'll be ready to go if you guys don't need to stop.
  2. Not 100% sure I'm going be able to make it but going to try
  3. My ass be hurting thinking about it, but I'll be there
  4. Hutch


    Set it up meet out there hit 669, 78 whatever else down that way
  5. Hutch


    Saturday will have to be later afternoon. Sunday should be free
  6. Hutch


    What was you planning?
  7. Hutch


    Anyone got any rides planned?
  8. Midget on a midget bike and fat guy on a dirtbike we'll for sure get some looks
  9. Good ride guys little different route made it little more exciting.
  10. Uh I'm on a dirt bike, and always wait at turns
  11. Leaving kfc on cedar st. in Newark at 10 tomorrow morning. going be a little different than normal route probably around 4 hours or so.
  12. Should be s pic floating around somewhere
  13. What's the plan for Tuesday?
  14. I believe the year I went I had to give you a push start. Seems like I always get stuck pushing
  15. Hutch

    8/17 Se Ohio

    He said meet at his place at 11 so I can text ya when we leave should be same time
  16. Hutch

    8/17 Se Ohio

    Ok the one guy lives right down the road from me. I think there wanting to ride down 668 to pick up 669 the run 78. So can you come meet at the duke on dayton rd. Just couple exits from cedar st.? Then when we get to 78 if they don't want to ride further we can split and keep going. No use going clear to 536 I believe its closed. And further east 78 begans to suck. But we can hit roads down there.
  17. Hutch

    8/17 Se Ohio

    What time you thinking. The one guy I know was wanting to leave around 11 and has to be back by 5. So he might just do his own thing. What's your route?
  18. Hutch

    8/17 Se Ohio

    If you decide post your route. I know two others planing on riding. But might not want to ride a long route. Maybe we can run into guys coming from up north if there riding. I'll just watch for your post and go from there
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