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Everything posted by Hutch

  1. Nice ride guys glad you guys came out, hope you enjoyed the roads and the pace. It felt good to be on a bike having fun.
  2. I can Thursday also Probably
  3. Ok I its 9 am Wednesday the 24th if anyone wants to ride probably ride around 150 miles or so ending back at kfc. All is welcome pace won't be to crazy I'm on a supermoto
  4. Hows noon at kfc in newark sound?
  5. Shit just talked to wife I have to take one of my daughter's to Dr. for sports physical @ 3:45 not sure when I'll be back. Lets just plan a ride for the weekend or Thursday ok
  6. Yea that be fine or even 4:30. Check back at 3 make sure nothing changes.
  7. Ok I'll post time tomorrow and probably shoot for Wednesday and leave from kfc on cedar st. (79) in Newark right off of 16
  8. What time you thinking for a start time
  9. Tomorrow might work. Let me know time you wanna meet
  10. Well we can decide tomorrow if its Wednesday or Thursday and a time
  11. Well I know most of the area, but I know there are some road closures. Also I'll be on a motto so won't be hauling ass in the straights.
  12. Maybe wanna ride out here north of Newark? Or what you have planned
  13. Might do that what days you free
  14. James where's all the construction at? Can I take 60 from 541 to warsaw?
  15. Close pass a couple years ago. Always seems closer than the video shows.
  16. You was probably looking over top of him and just didn't see him it happens
  17. Hutch

    7/13-14/13 Neo

    Few weeks ago we ran 26 from the south to 260 back to 78. Roads were pretty good. There's one corner on 260 that seems to catch new riders off gaurd. 26 was a blast.
  18. Might try to come up Saturday depending on how I feel.
  19. WTF did I just watch? But a GS500 was first bike I owned had it all of 4 months
  20. Here's pics with other fairings
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