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Posts posted by Hutch

  1. Little bit of a change in plans.....some of it due to Hutch's tentativeness. I'm meeting some guys in Columbus and were going to ride this route backwards. So we're meeting at Blocks deli at Main and McNaughton at 11:30 and should be near KFC in Newark by 12:30 or 12:45.

    From there we'll head up 79 to 541 and then head South down 83 to 78 to McConnelsville. Then 669 North and home.

    Hope to see you guys in the am.

    I'll try to be there at kfc, I'll be ready to go if you guys don't need to stop.

  2. I remember that! I went the following year, as well. I don't think I'll be making it this year. It's looking like this year the only action the bike is going to see is the 4.25 mile commute to and from work. :(

    Should be s pic floating around somewhere

  3. He was way out of shape going into that right hander. He should have been in the left hand side of the lane. If he'd have been there, he would have hit the apex, leaving him in a better position to go back to the left. He left himself with nowhere to go.

    He had a bad day, losing his cell phone too.... Oh well. A learning experience for sure. Glad he was ok. His gear saved his ass.

    Yeah....I didn't think 669 would be dry either. Glad it was though. I got a good hours worth of riding up and down it while it rained all around me. Definitely plan to ride mid-week sometime. Maybe Tuesday morning..... Hutch, Dan, you guys have plans Tuesday morning?

    What's the plan for Tuesday?

  4. Fast paced ride tomorrow leaving from Columbus and most likely heading South. Meeting at Block's Deli (Main and McNaughton) at 11:30, may grab a sandwich before heading out. I'm meeting a group of guys I ride with there, so I tend to have to go with the flow as far as schedule. But the intent is to meet there at 11:30 and head South.

    Take advantage of the beautiful weather while it lasts!

    What's the route

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  5. Sounds good. I'll just meet you in Brownsville on 668....right where it hits route 40. What time you guys heading out?

    He said meet at his place at 11 so I can text ya when we leave should be same time

  6. http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2730797

    It's mainly out 78 and then it splits off and goes down to the river. But it looks like that part is the best part. I've been wanting to do this route all Summer. I figure if we get out to a certain point and realize we want to get back, we can just turn around and head back. Many good roads in the area.

    11 should work for me, but I don't need to be back at any certain time. I was really thinking I'd get some riding in this weekend.

    Ok the one guy lives right down the road from me. I think there wanting to ride down 668 to pick up 669 the run 78. So can you come meet at the duke on dayton rd. Just couple exits from cedar st.? Then when we get to 78 if they don't want to ride further we can split and keep going. No use going clear to 536 I believe its closed. And further east 78 begans to suck. But we can hit roads down there.

  7. What's going on Hutch? You riding North? I'm thinking I'll probably ride, and I have a route in mind.

    What time you thinking. The one guy I know was wanting to leave around 11 and has to be back by 5. So he might just do his own thing. What's your route?

  8. I'm still 50/50. Was thinking about going up to Mid-Ohio. I have a great route I want to ride though. I'll make a decision this evening and post up by 8pm.

    If you decide post your route. I know two others planing on riding. But might not want to ride a long route. Maybe we can run into guys coming from up north if there riding. I'll just watch for your post and go from there

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