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Posts posted by RFM

  1. The racing in Moto2 was definitely much more entertaining to watch. There was real racecraft there, with the balls out riding of Iannone, the much progressed riding of Espargaro, and of course Marquez able to pull on everyone in the straights.

    MotoGP just saw the aliens diddling up front again, Rossi failing and further discrediting his attacks on Stoner, but the amazing thing for me was Yonny on the BQR Kawasaki.

  2. If indeed Trevor Martin was on top beating him what should he have done? Take the beating from some unknown person in the neighborhood. After all the robberies would you start a watch in the neighborhood? Would you carry a gun? I would and I always carry. Why didn't Trevor just leave the area?

    Zimmerman might be guilty as hell, but if he isn't many will never accept it. Some still think OJ is innocent also.

    Here's the an old bouncer trick I can share: Get help if you think the situation requires it, or man up.;)

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